Hidden Angel (Gabe x reader)

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"Are you serious?" I ask the deity in front of me. I'm an angel of heaven, meant to protect and guide God's children. However, He now has other plans for me. "You want me to go where?"

"(Y/n), I have told you where you need to go. I want you to go to Earth and look after Gabriel."

"How am I supposed to find one guy named Gabriel?! Do you have any ideas how many parents name their children after that archangel? It's ridiculous!"

"Child, be still. I have a very specific one in mind and you will know when you meet him. I also want you to protect his four friends as well. They are going to be in grave danger, and only you can save them."

"Lord, as flattered as I am that you think I can protect them, would it not be wiser to send one of the archangels to protect them? Or one of your Seraphim?  Surely they are a powerful and threatening angel more than capable of protecting them." 

While I speak, I glance over at several of the Seraphim standing guard around our King. They have six fiery wings as opposed to most angels' two. However, they typically use two of their wings to cover their face in God's presence, two to cover their feet, and the remaining two to fly. 

Also seated among the Seraphim are the Cherubim. They may be the scariest angels of all. After all, it was one of these very angels that God sent to protect the Garden of Eden once Adam and Eve sinned. They have four different heads, and four wings. Their four heads are those of an ox, lion, man, and eagle. They move very quickly, using a wheel within a wheel to move. Some well known Cherubim are Gabriel the Archangel, Raphael the Archangel, and Lucifer (before his fall).

Both the Seraphim and the Cherubim are the most powerful angels in heaven. While I'm just a typical guardian angel.

"My dear angel, I have already told you. You are the only one who can complete this mission. For this reason alone, I have chosen you. Now you must go prepare. You are to leave tomorrow at sunrise."

"Yes, Lord." I bow before turning and flying away on my snow white wings. The golden gates of God's palace shimmer below me, and I can't stop myself from taking in the sight of heaven for the millionth time since my creation.

The streets are lined with pearls and paved with gold. The beautiful cottages along the streets house us angels, even though we don't really need them. Where on Earth would be grass, in heaven we have fluffy clouds that make up our ground. While I'm flying toward my villa on the outskirts of heaven, I pass the shimmering lake that St. John described when he wrote the book of Revelation. The crystal waters catch the light and throw shimmers into the air, temporarily distracting me from watching where I'm flying. In my distraction, I almost crash into another angel, this one seeming to shine in the heavenly light. They are a Virtue. Virtues are known to control the elements and aiding humans with miracles.

"Watch out!" the Virtue yells at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just admiring the lake," I sheepishly explain while rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's fine. I admire it too. It's so beautiful."

"It really is. Well, you have a nice day."

"As do you."

I finally get back to my villa, I stop flying and walk through the front door to start packing the stuff I'm going to need on Earth. Once I pack what I think will be enough, I lay down on my bed and think about what Earth is going to be like. You see, angels don't really need sleep. But still, a little rest never hurt anybody.

After a few hours, I rise and take a last look around my villa. I'll be away for who knows how long on Earth protecting this Gabriel. Seriously. Can't parents name their children something else other than after the archangels? There are many other nice names out there.

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