Something Special (Gabe x reader)

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"I can't believe I lost my notebook," I complained to (F/n).

"You carry the thing with you all the time. Maybe you just left it in class."

"I checked all my classes and classes I don't even have! It's gone!"

"Calm down. You can just check lost and found after class. You lost it yesterday, right?"

"Yeah," I dragged out.

"Then it's probably in the lost and found. We can check there over lunch. Now, I have to get my books out of my locker."

"I will too," I sighed as I put in my combination. I opened the door and inside sat a small little box on the top shelf. I pulled it out and turned it over in my hands.

"Hey (F/n), did you get me a present?" I asked, super confused. It's the fourteenth of September, and my birthday isn't today.

"No. Where'd you get that?"

"I have no idea."


"You find your notebook yet?"

"No. I can't believe it's been a month and I haven't found it."

"I still can't believe someone gave you a bunch of erasers. What kind of present it that?"

"It's something I wanted. How did they know I wanted them?"

"What was in your locker this time?"

"It was a new pack of mechanical pencils."

"You already have 1,001 mechanical pencils."

"I know, but I always will take more."


"What happened today? (F/n) asked, strolling up to me after school.

"Same old garbage. But, I did get a new gift," I said as I pulled it out of my backpack. It was a brand new sketchbook.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope. This was inside my locker this morning."

"Whoever it is knows you so well."

"I know. I still can't believe I lost my notebook. You know, I did have a list in there of stuff I wanted to buy at some point."

"What was on the list?"

"Erasers, mechanical pencils, and a sketchbook."

"Everything you got?"

"There was a lot more on the list. I can't believe that someone would buy this stuff for me. This is the exact sketchbook I wanted, and it's not cheap. I have been saving up for months to buy this."


When I ripped off the wrapping paper of the gift in my locker, I blushed instantly. A card sat next to it, reading Merry Christmas. Inside was a new pair of (f/c) earrings and matching bracelet. I was still standing there in shock when (F/n) sauntered up.

"What do we have here?"

"This wasn't even on my list," I whispered in shock.

"They got you a bracelet and earrings?!"

"I can't believe this." I fingered the (f/c) gems, admiring the light hitting it. I took out my earrings and slipped these in. I clipped the bracelet on, too, having to ask (F/n) to clip it on.

"You look awesome. Whoever it is must like you a ton."

"Who do you think it is?" I asked blushing.

"Maybe it's Thomas."

My smile immediately dropped. "I sure hope not. He's literally the worst."

"He has been flirting with you."

"And I turn him down every single time."

"You never know."

"(F/n), I know it's not him!" I yelled out at their retreating figure.


The day I got the earrings and necklace, I got so many compliments. Thomas even tried to give me one, but I wasn't in the mood. Pretty much everyone else who gave me a compliment, I accepted it graciously. There was one person, however, I was not expecting to get a compliment from. Gabe, one of the sweetest and hottest guys in the school actually complimented me. He said that I looked pretty today. I swear I blushed so much. I even wore them on Christmas, my family giving me even more compliments. When I got back to school, I found another one in my locker. This time, it was a heart locket. I opened it up and saw stock photos to go inside. I smiled and put it on. Every time I got a present, it was on the fourteenth of the month. I was determined to catch my secret gift giver.


(F/n) and I had set up a hideout a little ways away from my locker in a classroom. The presents were always put in my locker before the school day started. So, in order to catch whoever it was, I needed to get here before them. We peered out the door, ducking inside when anyone walked past. Not long after we were in position, someone walked down the hallway. We peeked our heads out and saw Gabe. He looked around before opening my locker and slid a small envelope inside.

"Excuse me," I said after having walked up behind him.

"Gah! (Y/n)! I, uh, didn't see you there."

"What are you doing in my locker?" I asked, trying to pretend that I didn't see him sliding that envelope into my locker.

"Oh? Is this your locker? I didn't know that. I thought it was Nathan's. Sorry about that." He started walking away. I looked over my shoulder at (F/n), and her expression made me say something.

"Gabe, I know you're lying. I saw you put that envelope in there." He stopped and I walked closer. "Are you my secret gift giver?"

"Yeah. Are you upset it's me?"

"No. Why would I be upset?"

"You're wearing the jewelry I got you."

I fidgeted with the necklace chain as I spoke. "Yeah. I really liked it. So, what was in that?"

He handed me the envelope and I broke the seal. Inside were two tickets to the Valentine's Dance tonight. "I was wondering if you'd be my date to the dance tonight," Gabe mumbled out.

"I would love to."

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