Love Don't Die (Nathan x reader)

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I was sitting on my bed, tears freely streaming down my face. I was on YouTube, falling down the rabbit hole of random videos after midnight. The night was dark here in my small apartment in Nashville, Tennessee. Streetlights were shining through my window, completely polluting an otherwise brilliant night sky. A specific YouTube channel caught my eye after a ton of time down the rabbit hole. When I clicked on the video, my heart palpitated at who was on my laptop screen.

My ex, Nathan, was now famous on YouTube.

Seeing him so happy and successful made something stir inside of me. Sure, we used to date but that was so long ago. It was way before he started his vlog channel, as he called it. Back then, he was just a gamer. He didn't show me off for the cameras like he did Kayla.

Thinking back on those years, guilt and sadness clawed their way back into my brain. We were only together a few months, but it was pretty clear we were never going to last. All we did was fight and argue. We both just couldn't agree on anything. I hardly remembered the good memories of us together. But, like all memories, they were there. The few times we stopped our neverending fights and actually had fun together. Those were the times I missed most. I moved when I started college but Nathan and I had already broken up by that time. He was dating Kayla since. At least, that's what I thought.

It turned out that he and Kayla broke up a while ago now. Watching his videos made something move inside of me, something I haven't felt since we broke up. I reached out for my phone and tapped on a contact I hadn't used in years, but hadn't the heart to delete.


I just got off my flight to Houston. Nathan and I had been texting back and forth for a few days before I wanted to see him in person. He sent me his address and that's where I told my Uber to go. The car pulled up in front of a massive house situated on an island surrounded by water. I paid my Uber then started walking across the bridge to get to the front door. My suitcase clunked against the uneven wood of the bridge. I had gotten a hotel in Houston and coincidentally had a business meeting in the city as well. Unfortunately, it was not too long after I told Nathan I would meet him. I decided to wear my formal meeting clothes to catch up with Nathan before I had to leave.

On my way across, I saw lots of dust clouds being kicked up. The sould of loud engines met my ears and soon people could be seen driving vehicles. An off-road vehicle suddenly turned toward me on the bridge. Panicked, I dropped my suitcase and fell off the bridge.

Trying to swim in a skirt, heels, and blazer is almost impossible. I could somewhat stay afloat and slowly made my way toward the bank of the moat. I crawled out, coughing. I had inhaled some water, but not enough to cause harm. My wet clothes clung tightly to me, and the unwelcome breeze made it worse. It wasn't as warm as I had thought it would be.

"Oh flip! Are you ok?"

I looked up at who spoke and almost wanted to jump back into the moat. Nathan was running toward me.

"Yeah, I, I think I'm good," I chattered out. "Went for an unexpected swim."

"I'll take you inside so you can dry off. What's your name?"

"Surprised you don't recognize me. I'm (Y/n)."

He froze for a second as he helped pull me up. "You look so different."

"Yeah, I can imagine. High school was a while ago now."

"How have you been? I haven't seen you since we graduated."

"I've been good. Went to college in Tennessee and never left. I have a business meeting here in a bit so that's why I wore this. Guess I'm gonna have to find something else to wear now."

"You remember Gabe and James right?"

"Yeah. You three got in so much trouble together."

"That was a while ago. We're not like that anymore."

"Your YouTube channel would beg to differ."

"You've seen my YouTube channel?"

"Yeah. I clicked on a video once and it reminded me of you. That's why I reached out. Figured we should catch up or something."

"Sure. You can use my bathroom to get a shower if you want."

"Thanks Nathan."

I walked into his bathroom, my suitcase in tow and grabbed out a change of causal clothes. I would reschedule my meeting. My body enjoyed the nice shower, but my mind was restless. It felt like Nathan and I still had some chemistry. It was probably my imagination, I told myself. There's no way he still has feelings for me. I felt like we weren't meant to be. If I stood in a room full of him, I'd be standing all alone. I don't know why, but I felt like I still love him. I can't deny it to my heart. It just does what it does. There's no way to cure love when it's coursing through your blood.

I walked out of the bathroom and found Nathan sitting in the living room.

"Nathan, I gotta tell you something."

"Yeah, what's up (Y/n)?"

"I, I have something to tell you."


"I, I still love you."


"Love won't be denied. It just does what it does. There ain't no way to kill it when it's coursing through your blood. You can shoot an arrow through my heart, but my heart would keep on beating. Love for you won't die easy. My love for you won't die easy."

"You still love me?"

"Yeah Nathan. I'm sorry but that's why I came here. I still love you. I'm sorry about this, Nathan. I, I get it if you want me to leave. I totally understand. I'll just grab my stuff now."

He pulled me in for a kiss. I barely knew what was happening. My instincts kicked in and I started to kiss him back. He pulled back to catch his breath and I got lost in his gorgeous eyes.

"I still like you too. And, you are right. All we did was fight back then. But, let's give us another try."

"I couldn't be more happy."

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