I Wanna Go Too (James x reader)

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"James, are you sure we're in the right area?" I ask, clinging to my boyfriend as we walk through a dark alley. We had been wandering around Houston admiring the night. It had gotten later than either of us was expecting, and we are trying to get back to a street we recognize.

"I have no idea," James says, pulling me closer. "Let's just stay together."

"Good idea."

We slowly walk through the dark alley, both of us clinging to each other. Neither of us has any means of self defense, so we're the perfect prey to be robbed. Shadows dance on the wall, making me jump. James keeps me close and whispers soothing things in my ear. After a few minutes of walking, we turn down a narrower alley. It looks like it goes somewhere, but it ends at a brick wall.

"Let's try another alley," James says, putting his hand on my waist as we turn around. When we do, there's a figure standing at the entrance.

"Put your hands up!" a gruff voice demands, a gun in his hands. "Gimme all your money!" My blood runs cold and I cling to James tighter, if that's even possible.

"Look, we, we don't have any money on us," James says while raising his hands.

"I don't care. Gimme all your money or I shoot! That goes for you too, little lady."

James lowers his hands and fishes out his wallet. I dig through my bag and frantically look for my own wallet. I hand my cash and my credit cards to James and raise my hands in the air again.

"Put it on the ground over here." He gestures with the gun in front of him.

James looks at me and starts slowly walking toward the gunman. He keeps his hands raised while he walks. When he gets to the designated spot, he bends over and places our money and credit cards on the ground. He straightens back up and the thief nods at him. James backs up, hands in the air until he's next to me again. The thief bends over and picks up the money, keeping the gun pointed in our general direction the entire time. I frantically grab my phone, trying to call 911 before he stands back up. I just get the operator starting her usual greeting when a bullet whizzes into my phone and completely destroys it.

"Ya know, ya really shouldn't ha done that. Now I get ta use this," he gestures with the gun and my heart palpitates.

"Please, let my girlfriend go. You can shoot me but please don't hurt her," James pleads with our robber.

"No, James, please! Don't do this! Please don't shoot us!" I cry. "I didn't mean to call the cops! My phone slipped and I called them on accident!"

"Don't try and fuck with me. I know you were tryin' ta get the cops here. Too bad they'll never make it in time." His sinister smile makes me freeze.

"No please!" James yells before getting cut off.

A gunshot rings out and everything moves in slow motion. James jolts back, falling to the ground. I scream as he falls, blood already soaking his shirt. I crouch down next to him and hold his hand. When I realize what happened, I turn to the man. Soon I hear another gunshot and a split second later I feel pain blossom in my chest. I fall backwards and land next to James on the ground. The man takes off running, but I know James and I aren't going to make it. I take his hand and feel him squeeze back.

"I wish you weren't dying," James wheezes out. "I wish I could have protected you."

"When you're gone, I wanna go too," I wheeze in response. I can tell my heart is slowing down now. I use as much effort as I can to move closer to James. I barely move any, but I am exhausted due to the exertion.

"And when we're gone there'll be no tears to cry," James breaths out.

"Only memories of our lives. They'll remember, remember a love like that," I finish the lyrics. We give each other's hand a final squeeze before I feel James's grip loosen. I know he's gone.

Tears fall down my cheeks as I see the love of my life dead beside me with a bullet wound in his chest. I look up at the dim streetlight above me and see James, reaching a hand out toward me. Siren sounds ruin the quiet night air and yelling voices get closer. All I can focus on is the man in front of me. I smile at him. He looks as handsome as when we first met. I squeeze the hand of the body next to me before reaching out my other hand and letting him pull me with him into the light.

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