As Long As (Cedrick x reader)

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"I never thought I would be like this, lying awake waiting on a goodnight kiss," I mumbled to myself. I sat up in my bed and looked out the window at the night sky. It was way past midnight now. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Reaching inside the fridge, I pulled out a coke and started sipping on the caffeinated drink. I looked at the clock on the stove. I've been laying in bed and counting down the hours until 2am.

(Y/n) and her friends went out partying tonight. I'm totally fine with it as long as the night ends with her in a yellow cab shooting me a text saying coming home soon. As long as I can bet on her crawling into bed after slipping off her high heeled shoes. I wasn't lying when I said have a good time. You're out with the girls, girl do what you do. I sighed and looked out at the moon.

"No matter how late, Baby I'll be staying up. I can't sleep without you."

I walked back upstairs and flopped down on my bed, trying again to fall asleep. I kept tossing and turning, from the smell of (Y/n)'s hair on the pillow case. Even if I tried without her by my side I'd be dreaming with my eyes open. I'd be tossing and turning all night long.

"But," I reminded myself out loud. "As long as the night ends with her in a yellow cab shooting me a text saying coming home soon. As long as I can bet that she'll be crawling into bed after slipping off her high heeled shoes. I wasn't lying when I said have a good time. You're out with the girls, girl do what you do." I let myself fall back on the bed. "No matter how late,  Baby I'll be staying up. I can't sleep without you."

Visions of her dancing along to her favorite song filled my head and made me smile. Sure, she wasn't the best dancer but the way she loved the music and put all her feelings and emotions into it was breathtaking. A frown crossed my face, thinking about someone else falling in love with my girl. And maybe try to take her home. I'm fine with her partying and having a great time with her friends as long as I know I'm the one she's coming home to.

I heard my phone ding from it's place on my bedside table. I picked it up and saw that (Y/n) had texted me. She's coming home soon. The night's ending with her in a yellow cab shooting me a text saying she's coming home soon. I can bet on her crawling into bed after slipping off her high heeled shoes. I hope she ain't lying when she said she had a good time, out with the girls and doing what they do. No matter how late, I can't sleep without her.

I heard the door shut downstairs. (Y/n) was home. I leaned up on my pillow and opened an app on my phone. She stumbled up the stairs, clearly tired.

"Hey Baby," I greeted as she slipped out of her high heels.

"I told you you could go to sleep," she slurred, sleep imparing her words.

"Oh, you know. The usual. I just couldn't sleep without you."

She flopped down next to me, still wearing her party dress and her hair a mess of bobby pins and hair ties. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and faintly heard her mumble I love you.

"I love you too," I whispered. She started snoring softly. I smiled down at her, admiring the beautiful lady I somehow fell in love with. And somehow made her love me.

I played on my phone for who knew how long, always staying close to the love of my life. "I never thought I would be like this," I whispered, barely audible. "Just lying awake waiting on a goodnight kiss."

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