Workday Blues (Gabe x reader)

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"Aagh!" I screamed as I slid down the wall, completely done with today.

I just started a new job. And I absolutely hated it. What's so bad about my job? I work in a kitchen. On the line. Making orders all day. On the weekends! I hated it, but I desperately needed the money.

"Babe, are you ok?" my sweet boyfriend asked me through my door.

"Just great. How do you think I feel?" I snapped back, angry and sad. Unfortunately I'm taking my anger out on my amazing boyfriend.

Tears leaked out of my eyes and I buried my face in my knees. That's when I heard my door open.

"What happened? How was work?"

"Work happened," I choked out between sobs.

"Why was work so bad?"

"Where do I even begin?"

Gabe picked me up off the floor and sat me in his lap once he was sitting comfortably on my bed.

"I've got time. We already filmed all our videos today anyway."

"Well," I sobbed, "they have me doing toast and its not that hard, but I have to read the tickets, which I'm not good at, see what kind of toast they want, how many times it goes through the toaster, and if they want it dry or not, or if its for a sandwich, in which case I don't butter or cut it."

I stopped to take a breath and Gabe nodded for me to continue.

"Then I get a half-hour break before coming back and doing my prep work. It's kinda fun, I guess. I have to fry hash browns, cut tomatoes, prep the pork chops, prep the cheese, and prep the butter. I also have to clean the grill. When the person training me was showing me how to empty the catch tray, they raised their end of the tray too quickly and splashed hot water all over my hand! I screamed and dropped the tray in the trash can. Then someone there told me I can't scream because it scares everyone else in the kitchen. Well I'm sorry but if I get burned, I'm gonna scream!"

Somewhere in the middle of my ranting Gabe lifted a hand and started to pet my hair. The effect calmed me somewhat.

"I had to make some orders, and finally some chicken. It was already past 1:00, the time I'm supposed to be out, but I wasn't done yet. The person training me also said I can't leave if I have orders to fill! I don't wanna stick around that long! Then, when I was putting chicken into the fryer, some oil splashed up and burned my wrist!"

I showed him my wrist where the burn marks were still plainly visible.

"We should put some aloe on that."

"After I'm done?" I begged with puppy dog eyes.

Gabe nodded his head and I continued. "Then Nathan showed up to pick me up, since my car is in the shop being fixed, and was wondering when I was gonna be done. I was nearly crying a couple times throughout the day and then I let the tears fall. Someone came and pat me on the shoulder before telling me I could go home, and I did. You know the rest. "

"Oh, Babe. It's ok. You know what one of my jobs was before I started YouTube with Nathan and James? I was a dishwasher. So I know the stress of working in a kitchen. Plus, first jobs arent supposed to be the thing you want to do forever. It's just to make some money for now."

"But still I hate it! And I have to go back tomorrow! I don't want to! What's tomorrow going to be like? It's a Sunday and I've been in there on Sundays and it gets really busy and I'm scared I'm not gonna be able to keep up and what if everyone yells at me and what if-"

My sentence got cut off by Gabe kissing me on the lips. I hated it when a guy would do that just to shut a girl up, as if her words weren't important, but this time I was grateful for it. I was spiralling and knew I was only falling deeper into my pit of worries and anxiety.

"If you hate it so bad maybe you can work with the boys and I on the channel."

"I can't do that! It wouldn't be fair. Your pay would have to be split between six people instead of five. And besides, I want to do something for myself. I want to prove I can do something."

"You know you have nothing to prove to me. You're smart, pretty, cute, and I'd spend all my money showering you with amazing presents if it meant seeing you smile."

"Thank you Gabe but you don't get it. I'm not trying to prove myself to you, but to myself. I don't want to be sponging off of you. Plus, I'm only working at this job until I can find a better one. Maybe attend some online classes and get a degree so I can get an even better job. Maybe one day I'll be running the channel."

"You know Nathan would never let you do that."

"Not literally, silly! I meant the business side of things. I could be your new manager for merchandise, spending, maybe anything!"

"Feeling better about work now?"

My face immediately lost the happiness I had previously possessed and I started teetering at the edge of my worry pit.

"Oh no I shouldn't have said anything. Tell you what. We put some aloe on your burn then we get your favorite ice cream from it's hidden area if the freezer, cuddle, and watch movies until we fall asleep."

"That sounds like fun. Hey, wait a minute! How did you know about my secret stash of ice cream?"

"I know you."

"Yeah right. You just know when you're hungry."

Faintly from downstairs I heard Nathan shout, "Hey Gabe. You coming back down soon? We still have two videos to record yet!"

I turned to my boyfriend who was bright red and hiding in a corner.

"I thought you said you were done with videos today."

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