Getting Hit On (Jordan x reader)

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Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack. My sneakers slapped the pavement as I ran through the park. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. My heart hammered in my chest. Over the music blasting in my ears due to my earbuds, I heard some birds chirping. The sun had risen nearly two hours ago, but the feeling of morning was still there.

Some people are at the park now, but not nearly as many later in the day. Honestly, I wasn't really paying attention to the others in the park. There were some kids with their parents, some couples strolling holding hands, and even a guy playing fetch with his dog.

I continued down the path, focusing on keeping my breathing steady. The sun glistened off the lake a little way from the path. My footfalls pounded against the concrete path, both helping to wake me up and relax me. Running was always a way to help calm me down. I just had to get moving a lot of the time and this was the best way I could to release my anger and stress. My thoughts were always empty when I ran through the park. It's just about running.

At least, it was until I got knocked in the head by something. I stumbled and stopped running. Reaching my hand up, I rubbed the bump on my head. I looked down and see a Frisbee laying at my feet.

"What?" I mumbled, seriously confused.

"Popcorn! No!"

The man I saw playing Frisbee with his dog was calling for his dog to come back. The dog, whose name apparently is Popcorn, was running at me. I barely had time to see the dog before I was knocked over and landed on my back. The wind was knocked out of me and all I could manage were some wheezing coughs. A big white fluffy thing that looked like a cloud circled near the edge of my vision. Probably not long after, a face appeared as well.

"Oh my gosh are you ok? I'm so sorry about my dog. He loves fetch so much and I threw it really bad. Sorry about that."

He offered me a hand and pulled me up. My vision blurred, but blinking seemed to clear most of it up. The guy actually seemed pretty handsome up close. He had gorgeous blue eyes that seemed to match the sky outside. He even had a dog that looked like a cloud. He had a baseball hat on, but it was pushed back enough that I could see a decent amount of his blond locks.

"Are you ok? Do you need to go to the hospital or something?"

"No," I forced out. "I'm good." I wiped my hands on my black cropped leggings that I used specifically for running. "Sorry I didn't hear you. I had music playing."

"It's fine. Sorry about my dog."

"We're all good. And you're dog's so sweet! What's his name?"

"His name's Popcorn."

"He's so sweet!" I crouched down to scratch behind Popcorn's ears. "Why did you name him Popcorn?

"He's white and full of energy."

"He is. He's so cute!" I smiled up at him. "So I know your dog's name, but I don't know yours."

"My name's Jordan."

"I'm (Y/n). It was nice to meet you Jordan. And you too, Popcorn." I was just about to continue more when Jordan caught my attention.

"Wait. I still feel bad about hitting you with a Frisbee. And for my dog tackling you." He started fishing around in a backpack and pulled out a piece of paper. "At least let me give you my number."

"Thanks, Jordan," I said while taking the paper from him. He grabbed Popcorn's collar and walked him back to their small claimed area of park. My sneakers started hitting the concrete again and I was just getting back in my groove when I heard dog paws clacking on the pavement.


I turned around just in time to see the fluffy white dog running at me again.

I stopped and Popcorn slammed into me again, this time jumping up at me.

"We meet again, Popcorn."

I grabbed the dog by his collar and led him back over to Jordan.

"I'm so sorry about him. Normally he doesn't act like this."

"It's fine. Maybe Popcorn just wants me to play with you guys for awhile.

"You sure? You looked like you were gonna continue your run."

"Well, I don't have to continue my run now, and I'm sure Popcorn will give me a workout, too. What do you say, Popcorn? You wanna play fetch boy?"

Popcorn bounded around me, probably excited by the word fetch. I grabbed the Frisbee from the ground and threw it. "Go get it!"

Jordan and I played fetch with Popcorn for several hours. Jordan even gave me his number. When they were getting to leave, Jordan had clipped Popcorn's leash onto his collar. We were talking and Popcorn had circled around me. He looked behind Jordan and must have seen something interesting because he started barking and running at it. I let out a shriek in surprise as I hit the ground. I opened my eyes and saw Jordan on top of me. He already had a blush on his face and mine follows suit.

"Are you ok?" Jordan asked me after a second.

"I, I think so," I stumble out.

"Oh my gosh, are you two ok?"

I looked around and saw a lady walking over to us.

"Yes ma'am," Jordan says. "My dog's leash is wrapped around our legs and we can't move."

"Oh you poor dears! I'll get you out of that in a hurry!"

The lady successfully got Jordan and I untied and she went on her way.

"Geez, your dog is playing matchmaker," I laugh as I talk to Jordan.

"He's never acted like this before. I'm so sorry about him. He's never acted like this before."

"It's fine. Popcorn is just overprotective if the people he loves most."

"I'll tell you right now, he's not the only one."

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