I Promise (Jordan x reader)

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"Let's play hide and seek!" I gleefully shriek.

"Not for a video? Just for fun?" my fiance Jordan asks.

"Why not? We hardly play hide and seek anymore."

We're up in Canada visiting Andrew. We got a whole team of people, ranging from Unspeakable and Co, to Moose and his crew, to Preston and Bri. Because there's so many of us, we rented out a massive house. It's perfect for hide and seek, even if we aren't filming. Hide and seek with this many people will be so much fun. We decide that Andrew's going to be seeking first. He starts counting. I book it to a closet, jumping inside and pulling the door shut. There's several shelves in here, and I curl up on the floor under the lowest shelf. I just fit. Hopefully Andrew will look up and not down. I stay in the darkness, listening to Andrew searching the entire house. Of course, he soon comes to my closet.

"Hello? Anyone in here?"

I hold my breath, scared he's going to find me. As suspected, he looks up, but not down. After a quick look, he's gone again.

I let out a sigh of relief. He didn't see me. However, that relief doesn't last long because someone else walks into my closet. I don't think it's Andrew, but I can't be sure who it is because they aren't talking. I look up from my curled up position under the shelf and see glowing red eyes shining in the dark. What is going on? The eyes look at my hiding spot and I hold my breath, hoping whoever this is can't see me. I hear scampering above me. Whatever it is just climbed up the shelves. I've gotta get out of here. I try to look up from my hiding spot, and all I can see is the red glow coming from its eyes. It looks like whatever is staring at the door, waiting for me to open it. I'm trapped.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, careful to hide the light from the screen. I frantically text Jordan, begging him to save me. I don't get a response back. I shift as quietly as I can under the bottom shelf so I can run out the door. My hand slowly inches up the door to the handle, careful of the thing above me. I take a breath before throwing the door open and screaming. Something lands on me, causing us both to hit the ground and roll. It's holding my ankle. I turn to look at what is holding me. It's a creature that looks like it crawled straight out of my worst nightmares.

Its eyes are blood red, it's teeth are all jagged and sharp, it's hand holding my ankle looks more like a claw than a hand. I scream again and give it a hard kick to the face. Good think my shoes have a thick sole.

The thing let's put a loud wail and it lets go of my ankle. I scamper away, screaming Jordan's name. He always told me if anything were to happen to me, I should come to him. The necklace he gave me on our first date bounces against my collarbone as I run. Jordan told me when he gave it to me, it could help protect me. I have no idea how and I don't wanna find out right now. I need him more than ever.

"Jordan!" I shriek as I sprint around a corner, the monster closing fast. I end up in a dead end, another closet door behind me. I'm dead.

The door opens and I fall back into someone's arms. I look over my shoulder and see Jordan.

I turn around and hold onto him tightly. Sobbing, I say, "Jordan! Please help me! This thing is chasing me and I'm so scared!"

"What is it, Angel?"

"That!" I yell looking over my shoulder at the thing chasing me. Jordan's body stiffens when he sees this thing.

"(Y/n), stay here. "

"No! I don't want you to try and fight that thing! It could kill you!"

"I promise it won't, ok?"

"But what if it does?"

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