Battle Scars (James x reader)

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"Look out!" (Y/n) shouted at her boyfriend.

"Thanks Babe," James said as he rolled away from the falling debris where the arrow pierced the stone wall behind his head.

"Any time, Honey," (Y/n) responded before going right back to the fighting.

She pulled out her bow and fired several arrows into enemy calvary. The men screamed as they fell off their horses and ended up in a bloody pile on the ground. The horses without their riders went berserk, charging randomly into the fellow members if their calvary. This did wonders to see chaos amongst the charging enemy.

James took his sword again, getting a better grip on the hilt, before swinging it around and colliding the blade with the skull of an enemy soldier. The blade went through the man's head in a bloody gash, killing him instantly.

The battle had been raging on for several hours by this point, and dead bodies littered the blood soaked fields. Both sides had suffered high casualties, making this the worst battle of the war. Many from both sides had fallen, but (Y/n) and James still fought on. Even when their commanding officer Jordan got shot by an arrow in the leg. Even when their unit general Cedrick got stabbed in the side. Even when their closest friend Gabe fell after getting pinned under falling debris. They still fought on.

Their metal armor was covered in blood and dust, just like their faces. However, they still recognized each other. Maybe it was the color of their eyes. Or maybe it was the way James's sword flashed in the sun or (Y/n)'s (f/c) feathered arrows impaled themselves in the chests of her targets. Or maybe it was the possibility that fate had tied them together and only fate could tear them apart.

The battle continued to rage around the young couple, nearly engulfing them during the fighting. Men and horses screamed as they fell, adding to the corpses on the fields. Out of nowhere, the leader of the opposing army broke through the ranks, making the two warriors freeze.

"Now, who do we have here?" Preston, the leader of the Fire Nation, spoke from his white horse.

His wife, Brianna, rode next to him on her own white stallion with a golden mane and tail. She was not only his wife, but a highly skilled warrior. Though she wasn't strong, she was resourceful and knew how to handle herself in a fight. She was also lethal with a dagger.

"Your men will all be killed to the last," Preston gloated from atop his pristine steed. "Surrender to me now, and hand over your best warriors, James and (Y/n), and I shall spare the rest of your army."

"We are never going to surrender to you, Preston. Not while we still fight for King Nathan!" (Y/n) shouted, raising her arm in the air.

Preston growled upon hearing the name of his rival. "You dare defy me when I clearly have the upper hand? My soldiers will wipe you all from the battlefield and your pathetic kingdom will be no more."

"The only king we will ever serve under is King Nathan! Not some imposter like you," James spat back.

"You had better watch your tongue, Soldier, before I cut it out completely."

"Oh honey," Brianna cooed from her snow white horse next to her husband's, "I told you I wanted him unharmed."

"I know my Queen," King Preston replied, "but only if they surrender peacefully."

"Why do you want us?" (Y/n) spoke up. "There's nothing special about us."

"On the contrary, my dear, you in particular are one of the most beautiful maidens in the entire continent."

"You already have a queen. What could you possibly want from me?"  (Y/n) angrily spat out.

"Do you know how beautiful you would be working as a concubine in my palace?"

(Y/n)'s face filled with disgust and horror at King Preston's words. James, on the other hand, burst with rage and started yelling at the enemy ruler.

"I already have her! And even if I didn't, she would never work for someone like you! And I'm not leaving her side ever!"

"I would keep my mouth shut if I were you, boy. And you would be coming with her. Of course, you two wouldn't be allowed to see each other."

"Why?" James shot back in barely controlled rage.

"Brianna has taken a fancy to you. And whatever my Queen wants, she gets."

Now James's face changed to one of horror as King Preston's intentions for them came to light.

"You will never get us!" (Y/n) yelled before giving a sharp whistle.

A loud whinny broke the tense air and a majestic ebony horse broke through the troops encircling the couple. (Y/n) quickly mounted the animal as it galloped past. Once seated, (Y/n) grabbed her bow yet again and started sinking arrows into the chests of soldiers from dozens of yards away.

Taken aback, King Preston and Queen Brianna's horses started becoming skittish at the sudden violence. Preston's voice voice rang out over the shouts, "Capture them!"

James quickly called out for his steed, a while and gray speckled horse he called Jellybean. Jellybean dutifully galloped up and gave just enough pause for James to hastily the horse. His sword was back tightly in his hand, ready to impale anyone who got too close.

(Y/n) rode on her steed, Witchcraft, yelling encouragement to the beleaguered soldiers. Upon seeing their best warrior on her trusty steed again, the men roused themselves again for a renewed attack.

All was going well until James got too close to Brianna. In one quick, fluid motion, she pulled her dagger out of its sheath and stabbed him in to stomach. When (Y/n) saw him fall, she let out a wrenching scream as tears flowed down his face as she saw the love of her life crumple to the ground. She kicked her horse into action, steering herself toward her boyfriend. When she reached him, she leapt off Witchcraft and knelt down to her boyfriend. His breath was shallow and the stab wound in his stomach was spewing blood. In her distraction, an enemy archer shot her in the chest. She collapsed beside her boyfriend on the ground, pain exploding from her chest. Slowly blackness enveloped both of them as their fellow soldiers saw them fall. They rallied themselves together and charged to protect their closest friends. Not only were James and (Y/n) the best fighters in the army, they also held the army together. They supported everyone and trained with them. They were the heart and soul of the king's army, and everyone was willing to die so they could live.

The raw determination of the ally forces forced King Preston's forces back, pushing them back to the line they first held. Once the enemy army was pushed back far enough, medics rushed in to help save the couple. After several hours of grueling surgeries, and many blood transfusions, the couple was laying beside each other in hospital beds. The recoveries would take weeks for them to be released from the hospital, and months before they would be able to train or fight again.

When (Y/n) woke up, she immediately looked for James. When (Y/n) saw him next to her, she immediately broke into tears and sobbed. Her sobs woke her boyfriend next to her, who immediately attempted to comfort her.

"Babe, are you alright?" James asked, reaching his hand out to wipe away her tears.

"I'm alright now Honey, now that I have you by my side again."

"What happened to you?"

"After Queen Brianna stabbed you in the stomach, someone shot me when I got to you. I'm not sure what happened after."

"I think I can answer that," a mysterious voice spoke up from the doorway. However, both immediately tried to bow, despite their various injuries that made the motion nearly impossible. "No need for that," the voice continued.

"King Nathan," James said through a grimace, "to what do we owe the honor of such a visit?"

"There's no need to try and bow. Both of you have proved your loyalty to the country by fighting for it."

"Your Majesty, we would rather do it again than desert your fine army." The resolution in (Y/n)'s voice surprised the king. She had been shot in the chest by an enemy, and she was willing to go through the same agony and risk death.

While the king continued to talk with (Y/n) and James, they both held hands. They had been through so much and still had each other. And that was all that mattered.

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