11:11 ( Gabe x reader)

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It's well known that 11:11 is a time for making wishes for the future. I was no exception. Every night, I would stay up til 11:11, just to wish some silly wish about falling in love.

Love wasn't that kind to me. Every guy I ever liked I couldn't have and every guy that liked me wasn't my type. I just couldn't win.

"You're flying into Houston, right?" (F/n) asked.

"Yes. I told you I was coming to visit you."

"Good. My brother will pick you up from the airport. Then we're off to Hawaii!"

"You'd better be coming along too."

"Of course! Now get to bed!"

"Not yet. You know I have to wait for 11:11."

"You and that garbage. 11:11 isn't magic. Wishes don't exist either. You control your own fate."

"Eh. That's just how I've grown up. You see a shooting star, you make a wish. You blow the fluff off a dandelion, you make a wish. You see the clock hit 11:11, ya make a wish."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." I could actually hear them rolling their eyes on the other end of the line. "You got your ticket, right?"

"Yeah," I said while grabbing the piece of paper. "It's right here."

"I still can't believe you got a ticket for a red eye. I need my beauty sleep."

"Oh, believe me, (F/n), you need more than sleep to make that happen."

"How dare you!" (F/n) yelled while I busted out laughing. "We were roommates. I know what you look like in the morning."

"Fine, fine. I should head to bed. Gotta pack everything and get a bit of sleep."

"Why not pull an all-nighter?"

"You know I won't fall asleep on the plane."

"Fine. Goodnight (Y/n)."

"Night (F/n)."

I hung up the phone and plugged it into the charger by my bed. I crawled inside and let myself snuggle in with the blankets. Tomorrow was gonna be rough. Despite how tired I was, and how tired I knew I was going to be tomorrow night, I stayed awake, messing around in my phone until the small clock display in the corner showed 11:11.

"I wish I can find my true love," I whispered at the clock before letting myself fall asleep.

Little did I know, someone else was doing the same as me.

"Dude, you promised me you'd go with me to pick up my sister's best friend," Jordan whined.

Gabe just shrugged his shoulders. "Why do you even want me to come, anyway? Can't handle two girls?"

"My sister and her friend will talk your ear off, no matter how late it is. Just please come with me?"

"Fine," Gabe groaned before shuffling off to his room. "I'll go with you after we finish tomorrow's videos."

"She's flying in on a red eye so that sounds good. Have a good night!"

Before Gabe could say anything else, Jordan darted off. "Great. Gotta go pick someone up from a red eye," Gabe grumbled as he climbed his way up the stairs. He flipped into bed, tired from that day's filming. He rolled over and saw the clock at 11:10.

"Just one more minute." When he saw the digital clock change from 11:10 to 11:11, he made a wish. "I wish tomorrow won't be a bust." Then he rolled over and fell asleep.

"(Y/n)! Where are you?!" (F/n) yelled through the phone speaker.

"About to get on my plane," I said, moving the phone away from my ear.

"Good. My brother and his friend are gonna pick you up."

"You aren't?!"

"I am. I just have to pack yet."

"Ugh. Whatever. Who's his friend?"


(F/n) hung up before I could say anything else. I rolled my eyes and lowered my phone. Not too much later, the announcer came over the speaker saying my flight was boarding. I waited in line before walking through the tunnel to the plane's door. After checking my ticket many times, I found the right seat and put my bag in the overhead luggage. I stuck my earbuds in my ears after fastening my seatbelt. Now hopefully I could get some shut eye.

Well, I didn't get much sleep. I probably just drifted off for maximum ten minutes. I knew I was going to be so tired when I got to Houston. Finally the captain came over the speakers and told us we were landing in Houston. I yawned and buckled my seat belt, ready for the long flight to Hawaii so I could get a long sleep.

When the wheels touched down in Houston, I unbuckled my seat belt and stretched my back before grabbing my carry-on. I followed the stream of tired passengers to the airport. Now, trying to find your luggage in an airport is difficult as is. Add the element of tiredness to it, and I'm lost. I also had to find (F/n)'s brother and friend so I could meet up with her so we could get on our connecting flight to Hawaii. I had my rolling suitcase bumping against my heels as I staggered around, trying to find the gate I needed to get to. Instead, I got crushed in a swarm of passengers. Someone's suitcase knocked into my leg while someone else's carry-on swings into my arm pulling my suitcase. The final straw was when someone jerked my suitcase while trying to get around me. I went down, dropping my suitcase. Someone caught me before I fell too far. Their arms were around my back. It took a second for me to register that some random stranger was dipping me in the middle of a crowded airport.

"Are you ok?" the stranger asked. Now that I could get a better look at him, he looked handsome. I heard a clock chime in the airport, the clear tones ringing out.

"(Y/n)!" (F/n) called as she ran up to us, her brother in tow.

I let the guy pull me up, my cheeks bright red. I looked down at my phone in an attempt to hide my face when I realized the time. It's 11:11. This was just a crazy coincidence, right? There was no way the guy that caught me was my one true love. There was no way. Right?

"Look like someone's blushing," (F/n) teased. "Think my brother's friend is cute? Or do you just like being under him?"

"Shut up!" I shrieked, shoving her hard in the shoulder.

"So, we ready to go to Hawaii?" (F/n)'s brother, Jordan, asked.

"Wait. You guys are coming with us?" I froze in the middle of the floor.

"Yeah. Nathan wants to go to film some vlogs," someone new said.

"Who are you?" I asked, tightening my grip on my suitcase.

"I'm James and that's Cedrick," the new guy introduced. "And that's Nathan over there." He pointed at a guy at the ticket window.

"I'm (Y/n)," I replied, shaking his hand. "And I never got your name." I turned to the guy who caught me.

"I'm Gabe. Did you say your name was (Y/n)?"


"I can't wait to spend the weekend with you. And the guys of course."

His face turned pink as we both turned away. (F/n) leaned her elbow against my shoulder.

"That went well."

All I could do was stare at Gabe and mumble, "I brought the wrong swimsuit for this."

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