In a Hopeless Place (Jordan x reader)

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My boyfriend and I stand on the hill where we first met, the moon and stars giving the place a romantic feel. I don't know how we found love in a hopeless place. Though, our first meeting here was anything but romantic. I was trying to be sneaky and get information on the gathering of soldiers out in the forest. I knew there was a Resistance of sorts that was based in my town. I never met any of them so they must take secrecy very important.

It was just after dusk and stars were just beginning to shine in the dark navy sky. Not far away from me was one encampment of the invasion force. The once United States were now anything but united. It turned into an all-out war, each state having to fend for itself. Arizona, Nevada, and Oklahoma had formed an uneasy alliance to conquer Texas. There were few soldiers left in Texas so most of our fighting has been done through guerilla warfare. The leaders of the local guerillas was unknown. The only calling card they had was Unspeakable. Still, I hoped to be of some use to the guerillas, even if I had no idea who they were. I crawled forward through the tall grass, trying to hear what I could.

"These guerillas are crippling our supply lines," one man growled.

"That won't be a problem. Remember that base camp we set up on the edge of that far hill? They're bound to plan an attack there. Then they'll fall right into our trap."

I almost gasped out loud. They have a trap that could catch everyone leading the Resistance. I had to warn them. I went to get up when I accidentally put my weight on a stick. It snapped under my weight and I immediately froze. The men's guard came up, knowing someone was watching them. I tried to slink away, praying I wasn't going to step on anymore sticks. I made it to the treeline before sprinting away. Gunshots rang out, but thanks to the cover of night, and my dark clothes, they missed every shot.

I was running when all of a sudden a hand clapped over my mouth. Before I could even register the hand, I was tackled to the ground. Dirt and leaves tangled in my hair as the mystery person pinned me to the ground. I couldn't see much save for their faint silhouette against the dark sky.

"Hush or they'll hear you," a voice whispered in my ear. I flinched away, startled by the person. A few seconds later, boots could be heard, almost inaudible against the squishy ground of the woods. Grumbling voices reached my ears and I realized it was the men I was spying on earlier. Their voices were hard to hear, but I could make out a few choice curses directed toward whoever was spying on them. When the voices were gone, the voice whispered in my ear again. "If you promise not to scream, I'll take my hand off your mouth." I nodded my head, leaves and sticks getting more tangled in my hair.

"Who are you?" I whispered somewhat angry. I was tackled in the middle of the forest while being chased by an angry gun-wielding men in the dead of night.

"Not your problem," he growled back. That's when I noticed the green 'U' on the side of his black mask. He was a member of the Resistance.

"You, you're a member of the Resistance," I stumbled out.

"Why do you care? You loners rarely care about us." He stood up and started walking away.

I quickly scrambled up and grabbed the sleeve of his black sweatshirt. "No please! Wait! I have information!"

"And what would that be?" he growled back.

"You know that new base camp they set up by that hill?"

"Yeah, what about it?" His impatience was becoming more obvious.

"It's a trap."

I don't remember much of what happened next, but I was in the Resistance headquarters. I had to tell the leader what I knew of the trap, which wasn't much.

"That's all you know?" the leader asked me. "Verbatim?"

"Verbatim," I responded. Everyone here is wearing the same black mask with green 'U' as the person that tackled me in the woods. Speaking of whom, he's still beside me.

"Jordan, take this lady to the bunks. She's staying."

"Yes Nathan."

When we walked out of the leader's office, Jordan pilled down his mask. Now that we weren't in a dark first, I could see his features more clearly. He had tousled dirty blond hair that had a few leaves and sticks tangled in their strands. His black clothes were covered in dirt and mud, probably from our tussle on the forest floor. Though, the most striking thing about him were his eyes. They were the most gorgeous shade of blue I had ever seen. They rivaled the sky on a cloudless summer's day. I knew of I looked into their deaths too long I would drown.

"Here's where you can change."

He started to walk away when I grabbed his arm.

"Wait! What am I still doing here? Weren't you showing me the way out? Why am I still here?"

"You know where our base is. We can't let you go. Either you join the Resistance, or I kill you. Either way works just as long as our base's location never reaches the enemies." He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "Though, killing you would be a waste of a bullet. You're too valuable."

"How am I valuable?" I stumbled out. Not only does he say he'd kill me if I left, now he says I'm too valuable?

"You're not yet a full member of the Resistance. They wouldn't know you can't be trusted."

"I'm not putting my life on the line."

"I think you just did when you were spying for the information on their rigged base."

"I don't even know where to begin."

"How about telling me your name?"

"I'm (Y/n). And you are?"

"Jordan. Oh, and before I forget, here's your mask." He handed me a black mask like everyone else's with a green 'U' stitched on the bottom left hand corner. "Welcome to the Resistance."

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