Turn Away and Don't Look Back (James x reader)

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The tightness in my chest is overwhelming, but I can't stop running. I can't. Not for my father. Not for my children. Not for any of the countless who have lost their lives because of this. The city was almost entirely ash. When footsteps reach my ears, I drop to my knees behind a destroyed building. I pull the twins close to my chest, silently willing them to stay silent. Voices meet my ears, and a shiver dances up my spine at what I hear.

"Where is she?"

"We don't know sir. She was in the castle with her father, but once the fires started, she disappeared."

"Find her! We can't have the princess and heir to the throne alive now, can we?"

The voices fade as the people get farther away from my hiding spot. They're gone. I slowly stand up and continue running. I get into the woods surrounding the kingdom and slow my pace slightly. Trees block my way and branches whack me in the face and arms. I keep my arms wrapped tightly around my twins, hoping to protect them from the branches. A steep hill catches me off guard and I fall on the damp ground. I let out a scream as I slide down the hill into the stream below. I sit up coughing and sputtering. Immediately, I check on the babies. They look ok for having slid down a hill and into a stream. I don't think either of them got too far in the water.

My dress is soaking wet and covered in dirt, I have dirt and leaves tangled in my hair, but I don't have time to care. I have to keep my children safe. I continue my trek through the forest, starting to get cold due to the chilly night air. One of the twins start whimpering, soon followed by the other one. I can tell they're hungry, tired and cold, but I can't stop here. It's not safe and I have no idea how to survive on the land.

After what feels like several hours, I see smoke rising in the distance. I sigh in relief. Maybe whoever lives here can help me. I stumble my way to the front door and struggle to knock with both of my hands full. But, I try and rapidly bang on the door. Footsteps come hurrying to the door and I am greeted by a man.

If I'm being honest, he's pretty attractive. He has short dirty blond hair and blue eyes. His clothes are simple, but clean. He looks like he can be trusted. At least to keep me safe for one night.

"Ma'am, are you ok?"

I must look like quite a sight standing in front of him with a muddy dress and two children in my arms. Tears start to fall down my cheeks and I can barely speak.

"P-please help me. Please help me. Please."

He opens the door wide for me to come through and I stumble inside. The house is warm and cozy. There's a nice fire roaring in the stove and two chairs sitting by a small table. There's a flight of stairs that must lead to a bedroom. It's definitely a step back from the palace I was used to, but it was arguably better.

"Thank you. Thank you so much sir."

He guides me to one chair that is in front of the stove and I sit down, relieved to get off my feet. I put the twins on the floor, and they start babbling and crawling around. The warmth feels nice and it already seems to be drying my muddy dress.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"My name is (Y/n). I am, well, was, the princess."

He immediately kneels on the floor. "Your highness, to what do I owe this honor?"

"Please, none of that. I'm no princess. At least, not anymore."

"What happened?" the mas asks, standing up.

"The kingdom was sacked by invaders. They, they killed my father, the servants, and burned the castle to the ground. They killed anyone they came across. I heard from the leader that they are looking for me. They, they want to kill me."

I start crying again and the man kneels down in front of me and wipes my tears with his thumb. "It's ok. You've had a very rough day. Why don't you stay here until they stop looking for you. If you don't want to do that, you can just stay here for the night before heading to another village or kingdom." He's being so sweet to me, even though we've just met. I know he might just be doing it because I was the princess, but I prefer to think he's being nice because of his kind heart. "You can sleep upstairs in my bed. I can just sleep down here by the stove."

"Thank you so much. Also, I don't know your name."

"My name is James, Your High-. (Y/n)."

"Well, thank you James."

"Any time, (Y/n). And, I didn't know you had any children or were betrothed to anyone."

"These children belonged to the butler and the head maid at the castle. They were both killed in the invasion, and I couldn't stand the thought of them being killed as well. So, I brought them with me. The boy is Malcolm and the girl is Ariel. I always saw myself as an aunt to them. I guess they're as close to me as I am to them."

"Well, have a good night (Y/n). I'll have breakfast ready when you get up."

"Thank you James. Have a good night."

I pick up Malcolm and Ariel and walk upstairs to the bedroom upstairs. It's small, but it'll do. I lay the twins down and try to brush the dried mud off my dress before I climb in, too. Not long after my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.

"(Y/n). (Y/n)! Wake up!"

"Huh?" Someone's shaking my shoulder.

"You gotta get up. Soldiers are here."

His words fill me with some hope. Maybe it's my father's soldiers here to take me somewhere safe. The look on his face immediately tells me that's not the case. They're here to find me.

"Where am I going to go? I can't leave!" I'm starting to hyperventilate. I can't escape. Not this time. And now I'm going to harm James just because I stayed here.

"Follow me."

He picks up Ariel and I follow with Malcolm. We run down the stairs, me trying to lighten my footsteps. When we get to the bottom, he shows me a hidden door that I had not seen last night. Inside is just enough space under the stairs for three people to hide. I lay Malcolm inside and crawl in myself. James hands Ariel to me and I lay her beside her brother.

"Be quiet," he whispers before he shuts the door.

"Please be careful," I whisper back. I see a smile trace his face before the door shuts, and we're plunged into blackness.

I hear him walk away and open the door. The soldiers voices, though faint, sound demanding and menacing. They will search the house. James, much to my relief, steps aside and lets them in. Their footsteps tromp all over the house, checking every conceivable hiding spot. Hopefully this isn't a place they would consider checking. They head up the stairs next, James seemingly giving them a full tour. Their footsteps echo loudly off the enclosed space. I cover the twins' mouths so they don't scream. Their wails are muffled by my hands, and when they're upstairs, I remove my hands from their mouths.

The tour continues for what feels like hours for me down here, but I stay quiet and wait. I grab the twins and hold them against my chest when they come back downstairs. James has been doing amazing to not give them any trouble. I don't want him to get hurt because of me. They soon leave, and I am relieved. Though, several more minutes go by before James opens the secret door.

"I thought you were going to leave me in here."

"Now why would I leave a princess in a dark room under my stairs? I just wanted to make sure they were gone before I opened the door."

"Well, thank you again, James. I guess I'll be on my way now."

"Where are you going?"

"I think it'll be best if I go the the next village over. That way I won't be an inconvenience to you. And I don't want to endanger you just by me being here."

"Please, stay here with me. It won't be safe for you to be alone. What are you going to do if those soldiers find you? You can't be running constantly with two toddlers. Please, just stay here with me."

"I don't want to impose."

"It wouldn't be. If anything, having you here makes this house so much more amazing."

"Well, thank you James."

"Any time, (Y/n)."

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