Chapter Four ➳ Tom

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Chapter Four:

Tom's Pov:

So excited to be playing in Manchester tonight, gonna be a good one!

I immediately received around a hundred retweets and twice as many favourites. The fans always seemed to be quick on the ball when one of us tweeted even if it was something so silly we would always receive a lot of responses from them. 

It felt nice having a fan-base, it made me feel like I belonged somewhere. All through high school I was bullied and I never had any friends, they all left me alone in fear of being bullied themselves for helping out the nerd. I would always come home battered and bruised and not just physically either, the names they called me were degrading and made me feel like I was worthless; like I was a nobody. 

And now I have three amazing best friends and hundreds of amazing fans and I no longer felt worthless. I felt like I belonged again; my life meant something again. 

"C'mon mate, we need to get to the venue in about an hour for sound check and that." Max popped his head into my bedroom and informed me. 

I nodded. "Alright, give me a minute and I'll be down." 

Max nodded and then left the room, closing the door behind him. Last time Jay had forgot to close my bedroom after him and I gave them all a massive rant on how my bedroom door being open even the tiniest bit irked me. Our manager, Jane had called my rant a tomtrum as do the fans and the other lads and they like to tease me with it whenever I fly off the handle at something. 

I quickly replied to a couple of fans before I locked my phone and made my way downstairs where Siva, Jay and Max as well as our manager was waiting for me downstairs. 

"Ready to go?" Jane asked us all and we all nodded, a big smile etched on our faces. 

We always loved performing, it was something that made us happy as well as the fan's happy. I just hope that one day we would be performing in big arenas like other great bands do. If we ever did I think I would just die of happiness. 

Once Jay had re-iterated everything that we needed to know about the concert we made our way outside and to our car where our driver was waiting for us to take us to the venue. 

* * *

"Good evening Manchester!" Max yelled into the microphone as we all ran onto the stage, pumping up the crowd. As soon as Max uttered the first syllables of his sentence the low murmur of people talking reached a deafening level of screams and shouts. "It's good to be back in me home town, Manchester is always a great place to perform in."

The screams seemed to get louder and Max laughed before he introduced our first song that we would be singing.

"Right everyone, this is Behind Bars." And soon the intro of the song began and we all stood one behind the other in a single file line like we've been rehearsing ever since we announced this tour. Sure, sometimes we did cock it all up a bit but the fans would have a laugh and a joke about it and so would we.

I raised the mic closer to my lips and looked straight at the crowd as I began to sing my line: "I feel something over me and try to run away from the demons that haunted me..."

* * *

"Thank you to you lovely lot from Manchester!" Jay tried to imitate the manc accent but failed. However, it was quite hilarious hearing how the northern accent sounded to someone who lived more down south and was more accustomed to a posher accent rather than the rough-and-tumble of a more common accent. 

Both me and Siva blew a kiss to the crowd whilst Max was winking at all the cougars. Typical Max. We then all stood on the centre of the stage and bowed, each of us saying one last goodbye before we all ran off backstage. 

Jane and both my own and Max's family stood waiting for us, congratulating us all on how the performance was. Sure it was our second night but it was our first tour so we weren't used to this yet, it was all still surreal to us. 

"Remember boys, you can stay behind here for about an hour so you can all get cleaned up and what-not and then we have to rush back to the hotel where you'll stay until tomorrow morning where we will leave for Newcastle."

"Will there be time for us to meet fans that are stood outside the venue?" Max asked. 

Jane shook her head which made me frown. I loved meeting the fans, it made them happy; it made us happy. I always hated it when we weren't allowed to meet them, I found it unfair. 

"I'm afraid not, there's not enough time." Jane spoke with the utmost sincerity in her voice. "We may be able to stop for one or two but then that would be unfair for the others so it's going to have to be no stopping at all, boys." 

Man this reminded me of when I saw the boys in Manchester last year for the Word of Mouth tour. So many memories, so many tears. I wanna go back so bad *le cry* 


Okay, I am good now :) 

This is why I have no friends. 

I was going to update this yesterday but I have been so ill ever since Saturday morning that I have been laying in bed since then, my mum thought it may have been tonisilitis but I am on the road to recovery now.

- Talia x 

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