Chapter Twenty Two ➳ Tom

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Sorry that this took like a million years to update, I have been so tired lately but I am back. 

This is ending in three chapters and I am sad :( 

Twenty Two:


"I don't understand." Nathan wasn't looking at me, he wasn't looking at anyone actually. Well, not directly in the eyes anyway. You could see how much he was pained by this news. He was bound to be but that didn't make the pain of seeing him so upset easier on my part. "Why?"

The tears that poured out his eyes, made me feel worse. I hated myself. 

Why did I have to be so stupid?

This was the last time I trusted Max with his silly plans. 

I opened my mouth but all that came out was stutters of words. I couldn't think of anything to say, everything made me sound like a selfish dick- which I was but I didn't want Nathan to hate me even more. 

"Nathan, don't be annoyed with Tom. It was more my idea than Tom's." Max piped up and I turned to Max, my eyes sending him daggers. Nathan seemed to be doing the same. 

"Thanks, Max." I said, snarkily. "You've done more than enough already." 

Max looked down sheepishly and I turned my attention to Nathan. He was looking back at me, his face stern, I noticed tears collecting on his chin but he made no effort to wipe them away. I wasn't sure if it was out of laziness or because he wanted to prove his point on how much I had hurt him. 

"Why?" Nathan asks again, his voice full of venom. 

I looked to Max for help but he was still looking down at his feet. "Don't look at him, look at me!" Nathan snapped. 

I gulped. 

"I-I don't know what you want me to say... I was a dick, I know and I am sorry- really, really sorry." I sighed. "I never meant to hurt you." 

"Yeah?" Nathan laughed. "Well you did." 

Nathan got up from the sofa where he was sat on and walked over to me, he stood a few steps away from me. I could reach over and touch him if I wanted but i didn't because Nathan would only push me away, he hated me so much. I was surprised that he was stood so close to me. 

"I'm not saying that I am an angel but honestly, I don't understand why you would do something so horrible  to me." Nathan's voice held no emotion, neither did his face. It was almost as if he was empty- void of all emotion. "Maybe I deserved it, I don't know but I changed, for you and you carry on with your vindictive plan." 

I wanted to tell him that no, it wasn't my plan but that wouldn't help the situation. 

"I'm surprised you turned up to be honest, I thought you would have been happy to not see me again." 

"You want to know why?" I asked. 

"Why what?" 

"Why I came."

Nathan chewed on his lip as he debated something his head before cautiously nodding. He seemed wary of my answer- of his own answer to my previous question. He was hurt, he felt vulnerable yet here he was agreeing to listen to me. 

I clenched and unclenched my fists, something that I did when I was nervous. "Because I like you, Nathan. I really do, and I wanted to see you so I knew that you would hear the truth, from me rather than Max but I suppose I am a bit late for that." I awkwardly chuckled. 

Max glared at me but I ignored him, I was more focused on Nathan. 

"You might not believe but I do like you and I know you probably hate me but I needed to see for myself the damage that I have caused." Nathan rolled his eyes. "I am so sorry, I wish I could do something to make everything better but I can't." 

I placed my hand on Nathan's right cheek, the pad of my thumb brushed away the tears that streamed down his face. 

"You know what?" Nathan sniffled. "I like you too and I hate myself for it because you really hurt me, Tom." 

My heart broke in two because this was all my fault. 

I hurt him. 

Nathan put his own hand on top of mine, he kept it there for a minute before placing his hand back at his side again.

Nathan leaned forward slightly and pecked my lips. He pulled away after a second with a sad smile on his face and with a, "Goodbye Tom." He was gone and left me and Max alone in his living room. 

shitty ending, sorry. 

The song at the top fits perfectly with this chapter, and I am obsessed with it too omg. 

I have one more episode left of supernatural season ten, I am sad. 

Once again, sorry this took so long. 

Hope you are all well!

- Talia x 

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