I'm Sorry...

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So basically I've been having terrible writer's block for this story, I know how I am going to end it but I don't know what to do in between. Like I have a few ideas but I just can't thread them together and write them down. I'm really struggling with this if I am honest. 

I am thinking of putting it on hold until I am able to think of something. If I were to update now, it would only shitty and it would be filler and be v short and I don't want to do that. I want to write a good chapter for you guys; a chapter that I will be proud of myself; that you will like. And lately, I feel that (with this book) I have been lacking. 

I really didn't want to do this but I guess I am going to have to put it on hold for now. 

I know I said that I was going to update tonight but I just can't physically think of anything to write. I am so sorry for this, I hope you all understand, I don't want any of you guys to hate me. It will only be for a few weeks at most, by then hopefully I will think of something. 

Again, I am sorry and I love you all - Talia x

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