Chapter Twenty Five ➳ Nathan

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So this is it: the final chapter :( 

read the a/n at the end please, it is important! 

Chapter Twenty Five:

Nathan's POV:

Everything was so surreal. I never thought that this would happen to me, never thought that I would grow to love a band I once detested. But here I was: standing next to that very band, hand in hand with one of the members (my lover) as we posed for the photographers for a movie premiere. 

Turning to face to my left where Tom stood, his eyes gazed upon my face with a smile stretching his pink lips across his face. 

After the talk at the cafe we decided that we would start again, slowly this time. Max apologised and although I was still a little upset with what he had done, I didn't hold it against him. I was never one to hold grudges and I would always be the one to hide from conflict so it was easier for all of us if I just forgave him. 

"I love you," Tom mouthed at me which made my cheeks heat up. 

I gently pressed my lips to his, the screams of fans got louder at our display of affection and the flashes of the cameras seemed to increase too. 

"I love you too." 

* * *

"Three million sales in America! I can't fucking believe it!" I laughed at Tom's enthusiasm of the news that The Wanted's new single had reached so many sales and helped them to crack America. Despite all this, I was proud of him, of the band. They had come so far and they deserved it so much. 

Tom had a massive smile on his face as I watched him from the computer screen. We had to skype as he was all the way in America whilst I was stuck in England due to work. "I wish you was here, baby." 

I frowned. "I know. I wish I was there too." 

"Oh well," He shrugged. "When I get back that means, we can have our celebration that will be extra special." Tom winked. 

"We will see about that." 

"We shall but the neighbours will be hearing about it too." 

* * * 

The final show of the Word Of Mouth tour had just closed up and the boys left thousands of disheartened fans behind as they all scrambled out the stadium, wondering what had happened to the four boys that they had grown to love. 

With tears in their eyes I watched as Tom, Siva, Jay and Max hugged each other in one big group hug. As bad as it must have been for the fans it must have been worse for them. They had all grown to become best friends and now they were all going their separate ways. 

When we had all reached the hotel room, I decided to log into Tumblr. I had decided to make one last post. 

Hey guys,

I assume you are all upset over the break but not to worry, they will be back as they all have said before. 

I have witnessed how upset they all are over this break and it hurts to see them all -especially my Tom- so sad. But whatever they do solo wise will be amazing and I am sure you guys will enjoy it nevertheless. 

Bittersweet is what springs to mind when I think of this crazy journey I have been on for these past few years with Tom. Although some of you still hate me, most of you like me now which is surprising because I don't deserve Tom or your nice words. 

I was a dick. Let's be honest here. But I regret everything I did and said. But the fact that I still have Tom by my side after four incredible years is crazy. I don't know why he loves me but he does and I love him so so much. 

I promise that they will be back but in the meantime enjoy whatever this break brings out of them. This will be my last post on here but I promise I will be taking pictures of Tom and keeping you updated on him on Twitter so you know how he's doing. 

They will be back and they love you all a lot. 

Don't worry. 

Nathan aka the fake fan. 

It's over :((( 

I am sad why did I have to do this to myself. 

Sorry this took so long! I have been a very busy girl: last week I was at a three day festival and then on Tuesday I started college and I have been busy with that so I have had no time to update. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this book! 

What do you guys want me to do next? Give me ideas please!! 

Thank you so much for reading this, I love you all so much. 

- Talia x 

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