Chapter Five ➳ Nathan

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Chapter Five:

Nathan's POV:

The concert wasn't half as bad as I imagined it to be. But standing outside in the cold after the show wasn't something I had bargained for but I had to stay with my sister. I doubted that the band would even come out and meet the fans anyway but Jess told me that they always meet fans after shows. I rolled my eyes but I didn't tell her otherwise; that would break her heart. I just hoped that she was right that they did meet fans so I wouldn't have to deal with a broken hearted Jess and so I wouldn't have to freeze my balls off for no apparent reason.

I sulked off a little behind the small group of fans, I didn't want to see the band's faces when they came out, I was repulsed enough that I was forced into going to see them in concert. I was still unhappy with the fact my mother forced me to go when she knew how much I detested the dumb band.

I mean, they are good singers and are alright looking but I wouldn't give them anymore than that; they didn't deserve it - they were just cocky and arrogant arseholes like most boy bands.

The show ended around twenty minutes ago and we had been standing out here for near enough that time and the band had yet to make an appearance. Jess had said that they were probably showering and speaking to their family and girlfriends and that before they would leave the venue. To be honest it freaked me out that she knew this, she recited it as if it was just common knowledge to her.

It probably was, she is a fangirl after all and you should never doubt a fangirl.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I opened the tumblr app and shook my head at how fast pictures from tonight's show were posted on tumblr.

I am stood outside in the freezing cold for that stupid band everyone is hyping over. My sister is making me wait with her in hopes they will actually come out and meet the fans - I highly doubt they will but I don't want to crush her hopes and dreams, that would be very cruel of me and I am not that cold-hearted.

My mum forced me to take my sister to the concert, which I agreed to but I never expected to be hanging around after wards. It's fucking freezing and I don't want to be here.

If the band are coming out can they just hurry up please, I want to leave and forget I ever came to see them.

Posting the pointless text post, I exited the app and locked my phone; shoving it back into my jean pocket. I just needed to rant and get it all off of my chest and tumblr was the place for that.

Suddenly the backstage door opened and out came one of the members, it was the bald one - Max, I think - and he was holding hands with a petite girl with long dark brown hair. As I thought he didn't stop for the fans and just continued straight onto the tour bus. Ignoring the crowd of around fifteen girls as if they just wasn't there; he just blanked them. The other guys did the exact same, they just charged out and ran into the tour bus. Not once did any of them acknowledge the fans which really ticked me off.

Where they that up themselves they couldn't even at least wave to the fans or even look at them?

The crowd started to disperse as the tour bus drove off, leaving disappointment in the fans hearts in their wake.

I frowned as I saw Jess crying her eyes out. Disappointment and hurt clearly painted on her face; it made me feel sad too, it was contagious. I pulled her into a hug and gently ran my hand through her hair. It was a poor attempt of calming her down but it worked.

This is what I feared and it actually happened.

"Why didn't they stop to meet us, Nathan?" Jess looked up at me; tear tracks on her cheeks and blood shot eyes.

I offered a sad smile, holding back the digs I wanted to make. It wasn't the time or place. "I don't know Jess, I really don't."

How could they just do that to their fans? I thought their fans meant the world to them yet they couldn't stay for at least five minutes and socialise just a little bit with the fans.


As soon as I got home I opened the prussian-coloured app and clicked on, of course, the text post button and imediately began typing. The anger I felt took over my thoughts and I just wrote whatever popped into my mind.

At the concert I honestly believed that the wanted were an alright band, they seemed true to themselves but it's all just a facade so they con you into putting money in their pockets so they become happy as larry while we become broke due to coniving bands like them.

I took my sister as you know, to see them live and after the show she wanted to mee the band. She even said herself that they always come out and meet fans but I had a sneaky suspicion that they wouldn't meet their fans - and guess what, I was right.

My sister who is only fourteen btw was heartbroken, it took me a good few minutes to get her to stop crying and it was all because that band just blanked all of the fans.

You can defend them all you want but the wanted are very rude for doing what they just did after the Manchester show.

I am literally seething rn, I cannot get over what's just happened like how could you just walk right past your own fans like that and not even acknowledge them?

It's just common curtesy.

I posted it and not even five minutes later I received a notification. It was a message from maxsnipples.

I rolled my eyes, not this fan again.

maxsnippled asked you:

Have you thought that maybe they weren't just being rude that maybe they just had no time to stop for fans, instead of just running your mouth about them and jumping the gun all the damn time? Like just give them a fucking break for once!

I rolled my eyes, of course it was just another deluded fan, what more could I expect?

Clicking on answer I decided to give the fan a taste of their own medicine:

Well if they were that busy then couldn't they just have at least waved or blew a kiss, that would have been better than ignoring them completely like they did.

Whatever I don't have time for this pointless argument.


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