Chapter Twenty One ➳ Nathan

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Twenty One:



When I woke this morning, I just thought it was going to be a normal day. I mean it started like one but it sure as hell didn't end like one. I had just got home from college and all I wanted to do was relax as it was the beginning of the summer holidays but of course, luck wasn't on my side. 

The knocks seemed to get louder and more urgent. I was confused, it was hardly ever anyone came to visit us. And if there was someone coming usually they would ring beforehand. This was strange. Sighing, I paused the movie that I was watching and answered the door. 

It was two in the afternoon so I was the only one in the house. Usually I wouldn't answer the door when I was on my own but this seemed urgent so I made an exception. 

However, this wasn't my wisest choice as when I opened the door I regretted my decision immediately. 

"Max?" I was puzzled, I didn't understand why he was here, he hated me, didn't he? "What are you doing here?" 

"Can I come in first, I'll tell you everything." Max explained "Oh and you might need a drink too and I mean something stronger than tea." 

What was he on about? 

Sitting down on my sofa had never been so stressful before. There was so many questions plaguing my mind, so many thoughts. My mind was a mess and I couldn't even remember how to function properly. 

"You're probably wondering why I'm here aren't you." I nodded and he sighed. 

Max was looking at me and I don't mean how he would would glare at me, no he was looking at me. There was no emotion on his face and I felt scared. "Look, I don't particularly like you but-"

"Way to sugar coat it." I remarked with a roll of my eyes. 

Max frowned. "This is serious okay! You- I just need you to stay quiet throughout all of this, please."


"As I was saying, I don't like you but you deserve to hear the truth; you don't deserve to be hurt." Max admitted and I could feel my heart beats quickening in pace. "Yeah you were a dick at first and to be honest I was too. I manipulated Tom into formulating this plan to get revenge on you." 

And then my heart seemed to stop. 

I felt sick. 

My eyes began to water. 

There was so many things that I wanted to say but I couldn't find the words or strength to say them aloud so I stayed quiet. Just like Max had said. Just like my mum wants me to be. So I obeyed and stayed silent. 

However, my mind was the complete opposite.

"We wanted to hurt you, we wanted to humiliate you just like you did to us. So I told Tom he should pretend to date you, make you fall for him and all that shit and then leave you alone with no explanation. 

"It was mostly me than Tom that really wanted to go ahead on the plan." 

I looked at Max and let out a sarcastic laugh. "That doesn't make things better, Max." 

Max flinched and looked down, rather sheepishly. "I know. I know." 

"So, what happened?" I finally broke my vow of silence, I was getting impatient now. "How come he hasn't followed through on his plan." 

I could feel the tears running down my face but I quickly wiped them away. I had to be strong. I couldn't cry- not in front of Max anyway. 

"I don't know." I scoffed. "Really! I really don't know. I mean- my guess is he probably fell for you or some shit or he chickened out. Either way he told me he didn't want to do it anymore." 

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I asked, my arms crossed over my chest. "You said yourself, you don't like me so why should I believe you." I was looking at Max, waiting for an answer but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking behind me and I was confused. 

What was he looking at?

So I turned around and there stood Tom. 

This confused me even more. 

"Because he is telling the truth." 


*Explosions* *Gun shots* *Dramatic music* 

Lmao every story I write there is always drama of some sort. 

I kept getting distracted whilst writing this omg my attention span is terrible at the moment, I'm sorry guys this should have been up like two hours ago lol. 

So we are near the end and I am sad. 

Thanks for all the reads, that means the world to me. ily guys. 

How are you all? Are you eating well and staying hydrated, are you all sleeping okay? 

Talia x 

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