Chapter Seven ➳ Nathan

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Chapter Seven:

Nathan's POV:

"Shit." I whispered as my mind finally registered that I was naked, in my own bed with another naked man beside me. It wasn't hard to guess what we had done but the sticky sheets with white stains on evaporated all doubts. "Shit. Shit. Shit."

I had a pounding headache and the blurry memories of last night wasn't helping my case at all. 

All I could remember from last night was talking to a hot guy at the bar and then we left not long after to come back to my place. All I could hope was that neither my mum or Jess heard us last night, it would be extremely awkward if they did - I don't think that I would be able to make eye contact with them for a while. 

I turned to face the sleeping stranger: his face was squished against my pillow, mouth wide open; soft snores escaping his lips. Even then he still looked hot, it may have been creepy to stare at someone whilst they were sleeping but who could blame me if they had this person asleep next to me. 

The most I remember about this lad was that his name was Tom and he was from Bolton - his strong northern accent gave it away. This information that I had recovered from my intoxicated mind seemed vaguely familiar to me, it was almost as if I know this person. 

It wasn't that he started to wake up that I realised who this person was and why they seemed so familiar to me. 

It was Tom Parker. 

The Tom Parker from the band that I hate. 

"Double shit."

Was I that drunk that I didn't even realise the person I slept with and spoke to in the first place is someone who I disliked?

I felt sick. 

Tom was awake fully now and he was taking in his surroundings. His eyes landed on me and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

It was sort of cute, actually. 


He wasn't cute, I didn't like him.

I was still drunk, I told myself, yeah I am still drunk.

"Who are you?" Tom asked, still looking bemused. "Where am I?"

"I-I'm Nathan and you're at my house... We had sex last night." 

Tom didn't speak, he just continued to stare at me, silent but his mind seemed to be anything but silent. I assumed that he was just processing it all. It irked me that he just remained so quiet, couldn't he just say something, anything to help ease the obvious tension in the room; it was slowly suffocating me.

With all of this going on I hadn't stopped to think of how Tom was famous, there would have most likely have been paparazzi outside the club, hiding in nearby bushes and they would have got several pictures of me. If so they would most likely be circulating the internet by now - the fans have probably pin-pointed my identity and would be sending me hate on my tumblr account. They knew what I looked like a a while back I (stupidly) uploaded a selfie just to wind up the fans, saying that they could now put a face to the name of the unwanted blog.


And that was all he said and he was back to silently staring at me. His eyes were soft but they were obviously scanning me, judging everything I did. "Yeah..." I trailed off awkwardly; scratching the back of my neck. 

"Nathan, right?" My eyes snapped to meet his mocha ones. I had been looking at anything but him, I couldn't bear the awkwardness. 

I nodded. My eyes were wide, almost resembling a deer's that had been caught in the headlights. "You're Tom. Tom Parker." I stumbled over my words. I was generally a cumbersome person but when I spoke I came off as quite strong, this wasn't normal for me.

Why was I so nervous?

"That's right," He spoke so confidently, smugness laced in his tone. I was jealous, why couldn't I have spoken that strongly before? "Last night was fun, we should do it again sometime-"

"I-I think you should leave." I intended of sounding assertive but I sounded weak. I didn't even make eye contact for God Sake!

"Oh." He spoke softly and then realisation hit him. "Oh, oh."

He stumbled out of my bed, grabbing whatever clothes he could find on the floor and speedily shoved them on. He looked embarrassed; his cheeks were a fiery red, his head hung in shame. I honestly started to feel guilty for being so offhand with him. 

I suppose I was dreading him finding out who I was and the guilt was just eating away at me. 

Tom was in that much of a rush that his hair was a complete mess and his shirt was all ruffled up and bunched but I didn't pass a comment, afraid that I would cause further embarrassment. I wanted to apologise for being so rude but the words just wouldn't come out. 

For a split second Tom just stood still, staring at the ground, his teeth chewing at his soft, pink lips. 

Stop, this is wrong, I thought to myself.

He wasn't cute, he wasn't hot, I definitely did not enjoy the sex last night - no not at all. 

Tom then looked at me, he had this innocent look to his face and my stomach churned in pure guilt that was radiating from the look in his eyes. Tom mumbled a goodbye and he rushed out of the room and out of the house, the sound of the door shutting causing a weird feeling in my chest: I felt sad.

In the rush to escape neither he nor I noticed that he had accidentally put my shirt on instead of his own. 

What I didn't notice either is that Tom had also left me some affection to him. I actually started to like him, he seemed more appealing now. 


I know I said that I'd update Thursday? Yeah, well I lied :P I couldn't help myself, I was bored and had nothing to do so I decided to just finish writing the chapter - plus I was feeling v inspired at the time. 

I've got a good idea as to where this story is heading and I quite like it, I've already got about half of the plot mapped out and I should really write it down before I forget. 

The point of this author's note is to say that on Thursday I finish school for two weeks for easter and that means frequent updates instead of just once a week however (there always has to be a however doesn't there?), next week I will be extremely busy with additional classes to finish off coursework and also next week is when I see Nathan so i'll be excited about that, therefore there may not be that many updates in the first week but I do promise that I will update as best as I can and the second week there will be more frequent updates, maybe two or three times in that week!

The weather in Manchester is being bipolar af lately, like this morning as I was going to school it was raining for about 5-10 mins and then the sun came out and it was a lovely blue sky then at around 12pm it started to rain again and then as I was leaving school there was a downpour of hail and rain and let me tell you the hail felt like pellets to your skin - it hurt like hell! The gale force winds didn't help either. 

Yeah, I tend to talk about the weather a lot bc I am cool like that. 

Deal with it. 

- Talia x 

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