Chapter Sixteen ➳ Tom

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So I am back and I hope you enjoy this fluffy chapter but don't worry, as always there will be drama occurring soon! *evil smirk*



Me and Max, despite being on a small break, decided we would meet up whilst we were both in Manchester and write some songs together. We had plans of a second album to be released soon so we had to get cracking on song-writing. Although we enjoyed writing, it was a pain in the arse.

You had to be in the right mood; the right time; the right setting. You had to feel inspired or else it will all just flop and we would be back to square one with no song three hours later.

Once me and Max met up our original plan of doing some work went out of the window when we met up. Especially when Max mentioned the bitter tasting alcohol that we both loved so much.

So here we are, two hours later, cans of carling littered on the small brown coffee table, both of us drunk as hell and giggling at the sound of one of Max's dogs whom was growling in his sleep.

"I love you, Tom-Tom." Max spoke, his words slurred. He tried to pat my knee but missed completely, patting the carpeted floor instead. "I love you too."

"No!" He yelled suddenly, startling me and the dog. He then turned to his dog and mumbled out an apology and told the dog to go back to sleep; which the dog did. (surprisingly and scarily). "I actually really love you."

I turned to look at him and raised my eyebrow. "Yeah you're drunk, go home, Max."

"I am home!" He giggled, making me realise my stupid mistake - he was home. This is his home; his living room in which we were sat in right now.

Both me and him sat in a comfortable silence, well as silent as the dog's growling would allow us to be in. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it when it was quiet. It was peaceful, it allowed me time to think. My mind would stretch endlessly as my thoughts filled the silence surrounding me; lulling me into a blissful state of catharsis.

Which reminded me, I needed to speak to Nathan. I hadn't spoken to him in a while and I missed him, I just hope that he feels the same way too.

"So what is with this spontaneous date?" Nathan asked from beside of me, braking the peaceful silence between us as we walked hand in hand around the park. "Is it to make up for ignoring me?"

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him, chewing my lip as I was overwhelmed with guilt. "I'm so sorry about that, I've just had Max on my case and I have been so busy."

"It's a pathetic excuse of an apology but I am not good with words and expressing my emotions..." I trailed off.

"No, no! I didn't mean it in a bad way!" It was now Nathan's turn to look incredibly guilty, just like I was moments ago. "I say things that I don't think properly, I am sorry, my mouth likes to run off before my mind can catch up with it."

"I don't have a filter at times-"

Rolling my eyes at his (adorable) rambling I kissed him. He squeaked in surprise and I pulled away. "Shut up, loser. Now come on, I want to take you somewhere!"

He smiled this stupidly cute smile and I refrained from letting out an 'aww'. I tugged at his arm and led him deeper into the park where I was sure a pond was located. When we neared the pond I made Nathan close his eyes, to which he complied and relied on me to guide him safely to where we was headed.

"You promise that you wouldn't let me fall, right?"

"I would never let you fall Nathan; if you do fall, I will always be there to catch you."

N'aww isn't that cute? Hope you liked it and I apologise that this chapter was all over the place but so am I to be honest. So today I left high school, I don't have to go there anymore and languish. IM A FREE WOMAN.

So, that means 11 weeks of updates!!! Can I get a hell yeah?!?!?!

For those who are confused the first half of the chapter is before Nathan gets the call off of Tom and the second half is when he does get the call, comprende?

Sorry that was really condescending, I won't do that again.

Today it has been two months since I met Nathan, cry with me guys.

Btw, this book is half way through, there is only 15 more chapters left until it is over :((((((((

Thanks for nearly 900 reads! that is amazing, thanks guys.

Love you lots jelly tots - Talia x

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