Chapter Twenty Three ➳ Nathan

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Chapter Twenty Three


"Why don't you just text him back?" Jess asked as if it was a simple thing to do. To many people I am sure that it would be but he hurt me and I was mad at him, so I ignored him. Simple as. 

The constant buzzing of my phone began to get on my nerves so I had kept my phone turned off, the only time that I switched it on was when I had to phone work to tell them that I wouldn't be in. "It's not that simple, Jess." I sighed.

Jess rolled her eyes. "Of course it is! Stop being so melodramatic." 

"You know something, Jess, for being fourteen you are very big headed." I smiled. I think this was the first time I had smiled since I saw Max and Tom. That was a good few days ago now. I just had no energy to smile, I had no energy to do anything.

"Thanks... I think?" She laughed, tucking some of her hair behind her ear before she continued, "Just please message him, he's probably going out of his mind." 

"I don't care, he hurt me." Sure, I was acting childish but I had every right to be. He used me, he played me. To him I was just a game. 

"Nathan, I love you but you have no right to act like the victim in this. You were horrible to him and his bandmates before you met them. You are both the victims and I think that it's only fair to at least be civil towards him." Jess reasoned. She was right and I hated it. I hated being wrong. 

However, what I didn't understand was that I have already spoken to him. I have heard what he wants to say. What more did he want from me?

My sister passed me my phone that she must have switched on as it was vibrating like crazy, crashing every now and again.

"Please Nathan, answer him." 

I sighed but agreed.

Sending Tom a quick message, saying to meet me at starbucks on Friday, saying that I had to talk to him. It took me a while to press send but as soon as I did I got a reply almost immediately.

From: Tom

Sure, see you there X. 

When I saw his reply, I frowned. Did he think that I was going to take him back? Because if so then he was wrong- I didn't want him back, he hurt me.

I could never trust him again. 

Never ever. 

However, my sister smiled at me. "See that wasn't so bad!" 

Jess seemed hopeful about something. Knowing her, she probably wanted me to get back with Tom so she could meet the rest of The Wanted. 

I rolled my eyes. 

What have I just got myself into? 


Nobody seems to be liking this story and this chapter was terrible I am sorry. 

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