Chapter Twenty Four ➳ Tom

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I just realised in the last chapter tom and nathan were going to meet up but pretend that they are meeting up in the next chapter and the just forget the last chapter lmao. 

Chapter Twenty Four:

Tom's POV:

"You are stupid, Tom."

I turned to my mum, shocked. Did she really just say that? "Oh. Thanks, mother."

Mum rolled her eyes, "You know I love you but Nathan seemed like such a good boy, why did you mess it up?" 

I sighed, tiredly. I thought staying at my mum's for a bit would be an escape from Nathan but it has been nothing but. 

"I was an idiot and I listened to Max's stupid plan." Looking down at my phone I noticed that my messages to Nathan had been read but not answered. I missed him, I really did and I know he hated me and I didn't blame him. "Mum, I am tired and I really don't want to talk about... him, any longer. I think I am just going to go upstairs and lie down for a bit."

Mum nodded, giving me a kiss on the cheek before I made my way upstairs as my mum watched me sadly. When I reached my room, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, excited I quickly opened the messaging app to see that it was Max that had texted me. I frowned, disappointed that it wasn't Nathan. 

From: Max

check Nathan's tumblr!!!

To: Max

I thought he deleted it?

From: Max

We thought that too but apparently not, you still remember the URL right?

To: Max

Yeah I do. 

He didn't message back after that, I assumed it was to let me look on Nathan's tumblr. Typing in the web address, I was shocked to see that his blog still existed. Was this something he did recently? Then I noticed a new post. It was a rant. A rant about me. 

I frowned. Was Nathan really that spiteful?

My gut instinct told me that I shouldn't read it but I couldn't help myself, I was curious and, well: curiosity killed the cat. 

Dear Tom Parker, 

Oh, how I really hope you're reading this because I have so much that I want, no need to tell you and this is the only way I can say it:

You are a horrible person. 

There, I said it. I don't care if I get hate for this because it is the truth. You are horrible and I hate you. 

I hate you and your amazing voice and your gorgeous eyes and your gorgeous body- fuck, you are perfect but so, so horrible and I hate that. You hurt me and yet here I am still having stupid feelings for you. I should hate you but I don't, I just hate what you did and that makes everything worse. I would rather hate you. It would make things easier for both me and you because I know I will never move on from you because of my stupid feelings. 

You were so sweet and kind to me despite me being a total jealous arsehole at the beginning. And I hate that you were so kind to me. Was you pretending to like me then? I hope not. 

I am extremely sorry for what I said about you and the band because you are such lovely guys. I can never apologise enough and it hurts because I was so stupid and wrong. 

I understand if you don't want to speak to me again but I will be waiting for you at starbucks, our starbucks, the one we always go to. I will be there an hour after posting this so at... 3pm, I will wait half an hour for you and if you aren't there then I assume you don't want to know me anymore- that you hate me. 

Please come, I miss you. 

Lots of love and hate, 


I looked at the clock and noticed that it was ten past three now. If I wanted to see Nathan then I had to leave now or else I would miss him. Running my hand through my hair, I debated what to do. Of course I wanted to see Nathan again but at the same time, I didn't. 

From: Max 

So... are you going to see him then?

To: Max

Yes. I think so. 

From: Max

Then what are you waiting for? go an get him!

Quickly sliding my shoes back on my feet, I grabbed my car keys off of the bedside table before racing downstairs, bumping into my mum and almost knocking her over.

"Sorry mum." I apologised as I side-stepped her and made my way to the front door. "Didn't mean to run into you." She waved her hand, signalling that it was no big deal.

"Are you feeling better now?" My mum asked, a small smile on her face.

"Much better. Sorry, can't stop and chat, I have to get going!" I ran out the door before my mum could ask me anymore questions. 

The minutes were ticking and I had to get there fast. I decided that running would be better then taking the car as sometimes the traffic isn't good. My endurance wasn't the best but if I catch Nathan in time, it would be worth it. I just need to see him again. 

Thankfully, the starbucks where Nathan is located isn't that far away. Running as fast I could, I watched as the minutes ticked on by. I just hoped I would make it there on time. 








Shit. I was late. 

As I re-caught my breath, I noticed Nathan just a little bit further up than me. He was walking slow and he kept looking behind him, maybe hoping that he would spot me. 

(Maybe that was wishful thinking but that is what it looked like to me.)

"Nathan!" I yelled, walking closer toward the brunet boy. "Nathan!" 

People stopped and turned to look at me but I didn't care about them, all I cared about was Nathan. 

"Tom?" Nathan asked, as if unsure if it was really me or his imagination. 

Running the rest of the way to him, I pressed my lips on his pink, soft -oh, so soft- lips. 

Nathan didn't push me away but neither did he kiss back. Really I am just glad that he is allowing me to kiss him. 

That's a start, right?

I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry for taking so long to update omg feel free to hate me I am literal trash.

This was supposed to happen in the next chapter but oh whale. 

One more chapter left omg. 

How are you all? Are you all well? 

- Talia x

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