Chapter Seventeen ➳ Nathan

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"They hate me." I concluded. 

"No they don't... It's just they are quite over protective-"

"Because they hate me."

Tom sighed. "It's like talking to a brick wall with you."

My head snapped up from my phone where I had previously been scrolling through hundreds of tweets about how Tom's fans hated me. They were all right to hate me, I don't blame them anyway, it just- it hurt so much. Ironic really that I used to think that I was invincible when I spouted my hate for Tom on social media and now people were spouting hate about me on a different blue app and I felt vulnerable. 

"This may be funny to you but it's not for me." 

A picture had leaked of me and Tom kissing from our date the other day and when I found out I called Tom to get his arse round. However, the last ten minutes of him being here I had just sat on my bed, scrolling through all the hate towards me whilst complaining and panicking about the whole situation. Tom seemed all calm and collected about it all, as if he was used to this; this was the norm to him. 

And it hit me. 

How could I be so fucking stupid?

I was getting a taste of my own medicine; this is what I did to him for so long. And I probably wasn't the only one to send him hateful messages. Tom was probably secretly loving this, he probably enjoyed my pain. My mind began to envision Tom going to see Max and both of them laughing at me, laughing at the fact I was finally being able to taste the bitter medicine I once forced down people's throats. 

"I-I'm a hypocrite aren't I?" I pouted, looking up at Tom who was still stood up beside the foot of my bed; his hands stuffed into his pockets. His whole demeanour seemed nonchalant. Like nothing bothered him- this was just a walk in the park for him. 

Tom sighed, shaking his head he sat down on my bed. "Look, it's obvious that the fans know who you are- who you were. But you're no longer like that, I know that, the boys know that!"

"Even if you never did what you did, you would still receive hate." He continued. "Like I said: the fans are over protective. You can't live in fear about the hate that is inevitable, your past has already come back and bit you in the arse. Your karma has been received and there is nothing worse than that."

"The hate will dwindle down, you'll manage to block it out... Well that is if you want to be with me..." 

Tom looked down, his hands were still jammed into his jean pockets and it amazed me how he managed to sit like that. Having your hands in the pocket of your jeans - especially if they were skin tight like Tom's - was painful enough when stood up. I couldn't even begin to wonder how painful it must be when sat down. 

"Is that your way of asking me out?" I asked, incredulous. I sounded cocky but honestly, I was shocked. This whole conversation had twisted into something that I hadn't expected, never mind prepared for. 

Tom turned to face me, a doe eyed expression on his face. He looked cute. He also looked scared. Usually Tom would be anything but shy and reserved, he was always such a loud mouth. That's probably what put me off him at first; we were complete opposites.

He was extroverted and confident, he had a cocky aura about him whilst I was introverted and shy and I had a lack of self esteem. I just acted like a dick in hopes that it made me feel a tad more confident. It didn't. It made myself hate me even more. 

"Y-yeah, I guess." He stumbled over his words which I found cute. "So... Will you?" 

I raised my eyebrow. This was so unlike him but I strangely found his nervousness quite endearing.

"Will I what?"

"Be my boyfriend?" 

His nonchalance from earlier had subsided from earlier and now he seemed so on edge as he awaited my answer. 

I smiled. "Of course I will, you loser." 


This was just a filler but they are finally together!

The next few chapters are going to be so full of drama it will blow your minds. 

(not really but just roll with me here, okay?)

Nathan is looking so good lately I can't just stab my heart out that will honestly hurt so much less. 

How are you all? Are you all good? Are you taking care of yourselves?? 

I love you - Talia x 

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