Chapter Fourteen ➳ Tom

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Please read the author's note at the bottom, it's important and I promise it won't contain my usual nonsense.

Chapter Fourteen:

Tom's POV;

"Nathan seems nice." The sound of Jay's disrupts me from my thoughts. I look over my shoulder at him and smile.

"He is."

Jay then steps closer to me and sits down on the cold, stoney steps. I wanted some space to think about things, I needed to breathe and have a clear head so I could process everything and sitting outside always seemed to help. I don't know what it was but the outside air never failed to calm me, especially the night air - maybe it was the stars. When I was small, probably about four or five and I would be sad me and my Mother would lie in the back garden, looking at the stars; hoping, praying for everything to be okay. The stars soothed me into comfort, lulled me into a black abyss otherwise known as sleep.

"Don't worry, he's with Seev." Jay clarified, as if he knew what I was about to say. I suppose we're all so close now that we can read each other's minds.

I nodded and turned back to look at the sky, closing my eyes I wondered what it would be like to live in a world full of stars - it would be dull and dreary. That's what my life would be like without those three boys and Nathan. And for two of those stars that seem to be not getting along is honestly despairing. I couldn't lose two of the stars that mean most to me - it would be like the moon without the sun, the earth without oxygen; one can't live without the other and I can't live without either Max or Nathan.

"Do you think Max'll ever like him?" I asked the question that was at the tip of all our tongues. I just hoped in time Max would swallow his grudge.

I heard Jay sigh from behind him and I turned back to him, he had a thoughtful look on his face as he answered me; he was facing straight-ahead. "I don't know."

"But saying that, I don't blame him. What Nathan did was a horrible thing and I worry that he still may not have the right intentions."

My blood began to boil, my anger started to simmer; slightly spilling over the edges of the pan. "What the fuck?!?" I exclaimed, standing up now. I was shocked. Was he being serious right now?

"Calm down!"

"I am fucking calm!"

Jay was now standing up too, his hands held up, as if surrendering. "Look, we all care for you and although Nathan seems like a sweet guy, I just want you to be careful, okay? We don't want you to be hurt."

"I can look after myself."

"I know that," Jay said. "I just want you to be careful and I don't want this band to fall apart because you and Max can't get along because of a boy."

I sighed, he had a point. I was just too proud, too stubborn to agree with him. He and I both knew that what he was saying was the truth and that I deserved some sense knocked into me but my stubbornness wouldn't allow it.

Sitting back down, I stared at the stars once again. Despite the night's chill I could stay out here for hours, thinking, dwelling. Jay seemed to get the message to leave me alone but he didn't leave until he gently squeezed my shoulder, letting me know that he was here for me despite our small spat.

I just hoped that he was wrong and Nathan wasn't using me, because if he was I would be devastated.

So, who do you think is using who? Is Nathan using Tom or is Tom using Nathan?

I'm sorry this was so short and shitty, filled with metaphors and whatnot. This is more of a filler but I promise there will be lots of drama and plot twists to come!

Anyway, onto the important bit:

So it's my 16th birthday on Tuesday and then the day after I start my GCSEs so I will be busy revising and all that jazz which means all next week I am going to be extremely busy, I doubt I will even have time to think about updating as it's all go go go. As of this, it will affect my updates (sadly) and so there are no promises there will be an update every week as my exams go on until June 12th but I can write whenever I am free and have time to update. So please, please don't leave I promise that I will still update this but not as frequent, okay?

Anyways, Thank you so much for over 700 reads! You don't understand how much this means to me! And thanks for the votes and comments, they make me p happy, especially the comments, I like reading what you guys comment so don't be afraid to comment, even if you say hi or whatever idc I want to be your friend bc you are all so awesome for putting up with me!

Love you all!

- Talia x x

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