Chapter Six ➳ Tom

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Chapter Six:

Tom's POV;

The thumping music of the club drowned out my thoughts which was perfect, now all I needed was some vodka down me and it would be pure bliss; my mind would be toxic-free. The haughtiness of whoever owned the blog, theunwanted, had just angered me. How could a supposed fan just be so rude, so toxic?I had come to a conclusion that this person was not a fan and indeed a hater; a hater that had me me feel insecure. 

I wouldn't call myself a big girl's blouse - as they say - but after all the shit I went through in high school, being bullied day after day, constantly being harrassed and tortured had scarred me. And now, even the littlest of critisism would leave me feeling sad and insecure and stupid and unassertive. I just felt weak and the words of the hater had me feeling vulnerable and when Jay suggested we all go out and get hammered it seemed like a perfect idea to gain that power back and just forget about it all. 

I was here to have a good time and I didn't want anything ruining it. 

Downing my fourth vodka shot I walked into the dancefloor, feeling a little more frisky than I was earlier I danced behind a blonde girl that was sexily swaying her hips. She was only a couple of inches smaller than me but she was completely adorable, I wasn't sure if it was because of her looks or the amount of alcohol that was running through my veins but I didn't care. She seemed to be on her own and she looked like she would give me the good time that I needed. 

The shorter blonde girl turned around to face me and smiled at me. 

"Hey I'm Tom." I introduced myself.

Now that she was facing me I could see what she looked like: she had short blonde hair, blue eyes, soft pink lips and a cute nose. 


I leaned closer to her, my lips near her ear. "How about we go back to my place?" 

Kelsey however shook her head.

"Sorry I have a boyfriend." 

And now I was back at the bar, downing what seemed to be my umpteenth shot. I had lost the other boys in the crowd and they would most likely be too busy with other girls so there was no point in me trying to find them. I decided that staying at the bar was my best bet until I got drunk enough and one of the lads took me home. 

At least then I will be able to forget all about that stupid blog. 

I made a mental note to unfollow the blog as soon as I was sober enough. 

Suddenly a voice broke me out of my brooding:

"You seem sad." No shit Sherlock.

I turned to face a boy, maybe a year or two younger than myself, with a button nose, (not as cute as the blonde girl's nose.) brown hair and green eyes. He looked gorgeous. 

It was no secret of my sexuality, the fans new it, my family knew it and the majority accepted it. From at least fourteen I knew that I was bisexual, I found girls hot and I found boys equally as hot. At first I was confused, I thought liking two genders was considered weird, blasphemous even. Once I finally came to terms with it, I immediately told my brother - someone who I trusted with my life and thankfully he accepted me. 

As did everyone else in my family. After the whole ordeal I kicked myself for getting so scared about coming out. The second hurdle in it all was telling the fans but once again it didn't prove to be so difficult, I obviously received a bit of stick for being bisexual but most of the fans shipped me romantically with Max. Which we both found hilariously cute, the fans even came up with a ship name for us: Tomax. 

I had delved to deep into my thoughts that I forgot to answer the brunett's statement. 

"You think?" I retorted, sarcasm dripping off every syllable. 

The boy rolled his eyes but let out a chuckle, contradicting his previous actions. "Well I was wondering if you wanted me to help you turn that frown upside down." Despite his cocky smirk that he wore on his plump lips his wording was actually adorable. 

I had deemed him as an adorably hot boy. A juxtaposition in itselft but so was my sexuality so who was I to complain?

"I'm sorry," I began, assertiveness laced in my tone. "I didn't catch your name."

"Nathan." He had moved down from the two seats that seperated the both of us, now there was barely an inch in between us. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him and it made me feel giddy, I didn't know why. 

Maybe it was the alcohol.

"You should remember that, you'll be screaming that later on." He winked at me, causing a fuschia shade to dominate my cheeks. 

Once again, I blamed it on the alcohol. 

It wasn't until now that I realised that the brunett - Nathan - was drunk. I could smell it on his breath and his eyes looked a little blood shot but somehow he still managed to look absolutely perfect. 

And for the second time that night I introduced myself: "Tom."

"What a hot name," His hot breath caused goosebumps to appear on my neck as he hotly whispered into my ear. I bit my lip, trying to supress a moan. I couldn't succumb to his dominance... at least not yet. 

"How about we go back to my place?"

I didn't need to be asked twice, a sloppy kiss later and we had left the club. 

Fifteen minutes later we were at Nathan's house and by then I had forgotten all about the tumblr blog and the bastard behind it. 

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)

Now that escalated quickly....

Any predictions as to what could happen next??

Thanks for getting this to over 200 reads already! That's amazing thanks so much!! 

Anyways, how are you all? Are you all good?

Pls interact with me, none of my friends are texting me back and I am bored af

help a loser loner out thanx

- Talia x

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