Chapter Ten ➳ Tom

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Chapter Ten:


Tom's POV;

"How is the fake tumblr account going, mate?" Jay asked from across the living area of the tour bus. 

I internally winced. 

I know he was none the wiser about Nathan - at least I assumed he was oblivious to it, after all this was Jay and he was oblivious to most things until he tripped over it - but it still felt like he was rubbing salt in the wound. I honestly felt like he was taunting me; teasing me. Jay wasn't that type of person but ever since the incident with Nathan the other day I have become incredibly hostile to those that bring anything up about Nathan or the fake blog that I ran - or no longer run. I decided I should quit using the site, it will only cause me agro and I would only be stalking his blog. 

I wondered if he was still active on that blog; did he receive any hate from it all? 

I had stayed off any social media sites since Wednesday night when it all kicked off and I highly doubt that I'll be back on it for another couple of days. A respite from useless drama was what I needed. 

"Fine. Just fine." I tried to not sound so bitter but the tension in the air showed that I had indeed come off as indifferent and rude - which wasn't my intention and my mood plummeted once more. I felt like shit and it was all because of one simple question and my inability to answer with no hostility in my voice. 

Max frowned from opposite me. He had been watching me carefully through all of this and I worried that he was on to me, that he knew about me and Nathan. The silence in the room was lethal and the tension was slowly suffocating us; like a toxic gas would. 

I looked to Jay, hoping I could make eye contact with him and tell him that I was sorry but he was looking down at his hands, mindlessly fiddling with them. Siva had already got up and left the room and Jay left not long after. On his way out I grabbed his wrist and whispered an apology and he gave me a little smile. 

Feeling like a complete tosser I held my head in my hands and let out a frustrated groan. 

Why was I letting all this get under my skin? I was stronger than this, why was I allowing some guy that had his head so far up his own backside weaken me? He wasn't worth it yet I still allowed Nathan to affect me so negatively like this. 

Truth be told I should have forgotten all about him, this happened on Wednesday and now it's a Friday afternoon yet here I was wallowing. Nathan didn't care about me so why should I care about him?

Max was now sat next to me, his hand was on my back, soothingly rubbing up and down as I sobbed into my cupped hands. Max didn't speak, he didn't need to, his company alone was satisfying - it made me feel that at least someone liked me. Somebody cared enough about me to stay. 

Taking in a deep breath I removed my hands from my face and turned to face Max. He looked disheartened to see me so upset but I suppose so would any good friend who had just seen their best friend break down just like I did. 

"Tom," He whispered, ever so carefully. It felt as though I was made of porcelain and the slightest little noise would cause me to crumble and break and shatter. "What is it? I'm worried."

I chewed on my bottom lip and sighed. "It's just-- The blog, it was supposed to be fun but it, it... it just backfired." I had stumbled on my words a bit but who could blame me as my thoughts were a jumbled mess right now and it was difficult to form coherent thoughts never mind coherent sentences. 

"What about it?" Max pressed. 

"Well there was this other blog," I began, my voice was as monotone as I was feeling but I had soldier through it; I needed to get this off of my chest - Max was the right person for that. "At first I thought that it was a fan blog - but it wasn't. I suppose the name was a bit of a give away, 'theunwanted'." I chuckled softly and looked back to Max: he held anything but amusement on his, I think this was the only time I had seen him this serious. 

"Get to the point, Tom." 

"Right, yeah... Anyway, long story short he posted mean stuff about us on his blog and I would always defend us, pretending to be one of the fans yet he would never back down from his opinion. At the time I never new who he was, long story short when we were in Manchester I ended up sleeping with the guy, the hater." 

I had looked away from Max now, too afraid the see his reaction but I could tell from his heavy breathing is that he had put the pieces together. "Turns out the guy I slept with is the person behind the blog that never failed to rile me up. I didn't find out that it was him until he posted something on his blog." 

The silence was unbearable.

It was even worse than before. 

Feeling brave I turned to look at Max and he was fuming; his nose was flaring and his jaw was tight, face set like stone. He looked ready to kill and I was frightened. I had never seen Max this angry. Screw that, I hadn't seen anyone so angry before. 

"It's fine, it's all sorted." I spoke quickly. "Really." I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince: myself or Max. But neither of us were fooled at my poor attempt of reassurance. 

Max raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing me and frankly I didn't blame him; I didn't believe myself either. Thankfully he didn't comment on the matter any further, he just dropped it but I could tell that his anger toward - what I assumed to be aimed at, after all there was no other logical explanation - Nathan hadn't ceased. 

* * *

I had explained to the others what had happened. Well when I say I, I mean I started it all off and then Max finished the rest of the story. It was all emotionally draining for me and I just had no energy in me to go over the whole ordeal a second time around but I wanted answers. 

Which is why on our day off from the tour I decided to go back up to Manchester and I was going to go to Nathan's house and demand answers. There would be no backing out from either parties; we both had to face this head on. 

I could see the signs, signalling the short distance left until we entered Manchester, we were nearing an A road now and my heart was in my mouth. I bounced my left leg up and down, anxiety was coursing through me. I had barely slept last night, I was that nervous. The only thing that was keeping me going right now was the three cups of coffee that I had gulped down before I started the journey. Not to mention the crippling anxiety that was meddling with my thoughts. 

Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I was wrong to assume he would listen to me and actually speak to me. 

No, I had come this far, it was too late now to turn back. Besides we were driving up the A34, it was definitely too late now. 

Around twenty-or-so minutes later I had arrived outside Nathan's house. I was surprised at how much detail I recalled despite being pissed out of my head. I breathed in for a few seconds, holding my breath and then breathed out for another three seconds. I repeated the cycle another couple of times until I felt calmer. And then I opened the car door, not before telling Big Kev to pick me up in a couple of hours and stepped out of the car. 

I slowly ventured toward the white, wooden door and knocked. I repeated the breathing exercise as I planned out what I was going to say but as soon as the door opened, it all went out of the window. 

"Nathan," I gulped, my eyes were looking every where but his own hazel eyes. I felt feverish and my palms were sweaty. "Can I-- Can I, uh, speak to you? Please?" 


Please don't kill me for that cliffhanger but it had to be done, you all know what I am like with my cliffhangers and suspense building hehe. 

Anyways, this took me longer to write than I expected as I kept getting distracted by these cheesy pop songs I've been listening to on youtube lol. 

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! I made it long for you guys!! 

What do you all think is going to happen next?

I'm unsure as to when I can update next but right now it's looking more towards friday/saturday. 

Hope you are all well :) 

- Talia x 

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