Chapter Eighteen ➳ Tom

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Singer and member of the up and coming band: The Wanted, spotted with alleged Nathan Sykes. This very same who, according to the fans, wrote mean comments on popular social media, Tumblr. We aren't here to judge, but it all seems too fishy, doesn't it?

However, Parker and Sykes have been spotted at a London park, looking all cuddly and cute. Maybe their relationship is real but there is that sense of doubt that is clouding not only our view but the fan's too.

Lets hope this Nathan boy isn't playing our favourite Bolton lad on the fiddle.

What do you think? Let us know down in the comments!

"They've got it all wrong." Max laughed from beside me, he had been reading the article over my shoulder.

"I'm not doing that anymore, Max." I groaned, placing my head in my hands. I was a terrible person in agreeing to it all. It was Max really, he twisted my arm.

Max frowned. "Why not?"

I turned to look at him, my lip caught in between my teeth. Max looked somewhat annoyed, I don't know if who or what he was annoyed at- I just hoped that it wasn't at me. "I... I just can't, okay?"

Standing up I began to pace. My mind held an overabundance of thoughts and I felt as though I was going to explode with guilt.

"Why not?" He repeated. I was starting to get annoyed now myself. "We agreed!"

"I know-"

"And now you're backing out?" Max was furious now, he was spitting out his words. Quite literally too. "We were going to make his life hell, just like he did with yours."

"You promised that you would help!"

I sighed. "I know, I know. But..." I sighed. "Things are different now."


I looked down; staying silent. That was the answer he needed. He seemed to understand.

"You fell for him didn't you?"

Deciding that I needed some alone time, I grabbed my thin jacket and some money before I walked out of our shared house and walked around the streets of London. It had been a few days since I had last phoned Nathan but we had both been super busy; me with recording and him with work. It was difficult to find time were we were both free. However, it had also been a few hours since I spoke to Max.

He seemed so angry with me, so upset. And I felt sick. I didn't want to hurt anyone and I had seemed to have already hurt someone without meaning too.

I just hoped that me and him would get over it, we were really good friends. Something as stupid as this couldn't allow us to fall out. I hoped that it would blow over. I hoped that Max would also forget our original plan of getting revenge on Nathan.

It was stupid and it was something that I didn't want, I regret in even agreeing to it now.

At the time it seemed perfect, his words were getting to me so I thought it would be fun to mess him around and hurt him back. But then I heard about why he did it in the first place and that is when the guilt started to settle in.

And then of course I have to go and fall for him.

Saying that, I was unsure about how I felt about him. I liked him a lot, like a lot a lot, but I didn't exactly love him; it was somewhere in the middle.

I just knew that by the end of this Nathan was going to get hurt and I really, really didn't want that.

And that is what I am trying to avoid.

So I suppose, by avoiding Max and Nathan, I will avoid the sticky situation that I am in. And then hopefully, the situation will disappear and we can all play happy families.

But knowing my luck, that won't happen.

I just hoped that I could stop Max in time from continuing with the stupid agreement so no one gets hurt.

Sadly, I fear that it is too late.


I didn't really know how to end it lmao.

So, what do you think tomax are up to?

I'm not quite sure if this book is going to be 25 chapters or 30 chapters long, it depends on how it goes. But we shall see, okay?

How are you all?

- Talia x

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