Chapter Two ↠ Tom

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I know I said I wasn't going to update until at least tomorrow but I couldn't help myself, especially after the response I received from the first chapter!! Thank you guys so much :D 

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Chapter Two:

Tom's POV:

"Mate, I can't believe how many fans we have already! It's fucking crazy." Max grinned from ear to ear as he shown me his phone, our band's account on twitter was on and I could see the number of people that where already following us: 2,000. Sure to others that was only a small number, especially to those who had millions but to us, to us it was different, it was a milestone

"That is crazy." I agreed. "I can't believe it!" 

"What's going on?" Jay asked us after walking into our shared house. It wasn't permanent but it was just whilst we found our bearings, our manager, Jane, told us that we'd be moving somehwhere else in a couple of months. To say I was excited would be an understatement. 

Max's grin seemed to get even wider as he stood up and ran up to Jay, phone in hand which I am guessing still had our band's twitter page on. "We just hit two thousand followers on twitter! Isn't that great!" Jay agreed and sat down on the sofa next to me. 

"I want to thank the fans after all, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have a number one debut single." I mumbled to no one in particular but both Jay and Max hummed in response. 

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I quickly tweeted a little thank you, remembering to add about a million x's. The tweet had probably got around three hundred retweets as soon as I had clicked the tweet button. They sure were fast, I thought to myself.

"Hey," Max smirked and I knew already that this wasn't going to be a good idea. "Why don't one of us make a fake account and speak to the fans?" 

I was right, this wasn't good.

At this point Jay had left the room, leaving me and Max alone once again.

"C'mon it'd be fun! And we would be unknowingly making a fan's life!" I thought it over; it sounded like a good idea, I know I would love it if one of my idols started talking to me. 

"Okay fine." I caved in. Although it didn't take a lot for me to cave. "But who's going to do it?" 

So far it looked like it was going to be either me or him. Siva wasn't in so we couldn't possibly ask him; Jay had left the room earlier so it looked like he didn't want to do it. I didn't have any time to ponder over who out of Max or myself would create the account when Max cut off my thought trail. 

"Why don't you make the fake account?" 

If I had a drink in my mouth I know it would be all over the carpet by now. "What?"

"Yeah, why don't you do it?" Max repeated. "You're a lot more active online than all of us, plus you seem to be a right catch with the ladies. After me, of course."

"You're so full of yourself, George." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I learn from the best, Parker." Once again, I rolled my eyes. 

I sighed. "Okay fine, I'll do it but on what?"

Max shrugged, "I don't know." He then paused for a second, he then sat up straight, his mouth dropping open as if he had just had a light bulb moment. "How about on tumblr? We don't have an account on that yet and then people won't be as suspicious."

"Okay fine." I repeated. 

Standing up, I made my way up to my room with Max in tow where my laptop was placed on my bed. As soon as it had loaded up I clicked onto safari and typed in 'tumblr' onto the search bar, clicking on sign-up I typed in my email and then a password - which is the same for like, everything - I then stopped when I read the word, username.

"Fúck." I thought aloud. "What should my username be?" I turned to Max but he just shrugged. How very helpful of him.

"I don't know, how about Max's big díck?" He laughed but I found it anything but funny, keeping my face completely somber I told him to not be stupid.

His laughter soon settled as he turned serious but for Max to be serious was a very worrying thing. "I'm not sure, keep it something simple but make sure it has something to do with the band so our fans think that you're a fan too." 

I nodded, his advice was actually quite good; for once. Well until he completely ruined it by suggesting one of his God awful ideas on what should the user-name be, I didn't know if I should hit myself with the laptop or Max.

"What about Max's nipples?"

I tried to think of another possible username - at least anything better than Max's suggestions - but I came to a complete blank so I stuck with: Max's nipples.

"See! You agree, I am quite proud of myself, it was a good suggestion if I don't say so myself." Max smugly grinned but I didn't have the heart to tell him that I thought his suggestion was absolute shit and I just couldn't think of any good ones. 

Clicking sign-up I was faced with my next dilemma, I had to chose an image for my blog as well as a little bio. I refused to ask for Max's advice again so I just took the same image as my display picture on twitter and wrote a bit about my 'love' for the band. Even though I hadn't asked for Max's input he still thought it'd be kind if he spoke, "Why don't you write about your undying love for me?"

I didn't answer him and clicked on continue. It took a few seconds to load but I was then brought to a page asking me to follow five blogs, I really couldn't be bothered with this so I decided to skip it by pressing on where it said: I'll do this later. 

Eventually, I had made the account; I then began to wonder if it was more trouble than it was worth, maybe I had done the wrong thing. It then gave me an option to edit my theme on my blog but I decided to do that later, I think I had more than enough today of just setting this damn thing up. 

Typing into the search bar I just simply wrote, the wanted and hoped that there was some blogs that I could follow. And there was. I clicked on the first five blogs that caught my eye and also scrolled down to reblog some posts that other fans had made. It was strange feeling reblogging your band member's candid pictures but I had to grin and bear it, it was for the fan's. I did this so I could surprise one of them and I am sure as hell that this would be a surprise of their lifetime.

I know if I was in their shoes, I would be very surprised if my idol suddenly started talking to me. 


Wow, that was long af and boring af. I tried to make it funny but I think I failed miserably, wattpad made this chapter rated r so I had to go back and try to censor it lol I never laughed so much in my life, I am such a loser. 

Remember that Nathan isn't in the band and that the chapters alternate between Tom and Nathan, so the next chapter will be in Nathan's pov!

I need all of your help with something, what should Nathan's tumblr url be? Remember that it's a hate account!

- Talia x

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