Chapter Three ↠ Nathan

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Chapter Three:

Nathan's POV:

So I finally got round to watching the video for All Time Low  and to be honest, it's shit. The only good thing about it was the flares. They just stood on some rubble and that's it, I would rather watch a Backstreet Boy's music videos - at least they're more entertaining.

I clicked on the post button and watched as the text post posted onto my blog: theunwanted. I smirked as I immediately got responses from fans of the band.

thewanted5eva reblogged and added: Same.

illegalgeorge liked your post: so the video...

jaythewxnted reblogged your post: so the video...

jaythewxnted liked your post: so the video...

I frowned, was there any point of me making this stupid blog? The fans agree with me and they seemingly send hate to the band more than I do the only difference is that I am being completely serious - I hate The Wanted.

Sadly my sister is a massive fan and I have to take them to one of their shows next week. I wasn't looking forward to this. I was about to log out when I noticed I received a message. My curiosity took over me and I opened the message, it was from a blog called Maxsnipples. I snorted as I burst into laughter, if my mum walked past my bedroom now she would think that I was weird as I was laughing to myself.

What was with the band's fans and their weird usernames?

Maxsnipples asked you:

Don't you think that you're being a bit spiteful? They spent hours, days on that video to make their fans happy. For someone who has the wanted's name in their username you are quite a judgemental person aren't you?

I shook my head, oh what a naïve fan.

Clicking on answer privately, I typed up a reply. They were probably a fourteen year old girl who just got her knicker's in a twist, it would be fun to wind her up.

I am sure they did spend hours on it but those hours were wasted - even I could have created a better video than that. It all seemed too rushed, there wasn't much excitement and it had nothing to do with the video like ¿¿¿??¿ However I am not going to degrade myself and argue with a twelve year old I am not spiteful just merely stating my opinion.

Oh and btw, love the username.

I then decided to make another text-post before I logged out, hoping that the crazed fan, Max's nipples, would see it and send me another message for me to laugh at. 

Also, thanks to my sister's crazy obssession, I heard their new album and it sucks.

Peace out.

Looking at the clock I noticed that it was already gone past two in the afternoon so I suppose I should go downstairs and be sociable for a few hours - it would keep my mother from nagging at me for being such a recluse. 

I rolled my eyes as I heard my sister singing along to All Time Low, of course she would be listening to The Wanted, when isn't she? 

I didn't understand her obssession with the band, it's not like they would ever know who she is and to be honest it was just creepy how she supposedly loved them and how she found them hot. None of the members of the band were hot and that's coming from someone who is bisexual. 

Unfortunately, The Wanted's song did have such a catchy beat to it and it's been stuck in my head ever since I first heard it last week. I blame my sister, she's been playing the song repeatdly as well as their whole album that had just been released a couple of days ago.

"Mum?" I called out once I reached the hall downstairs. 

I heard a muffled answer coming from the general direction of the kitchen. Following the direction as to where I heard the voice came from, I found my mother in the kitchen, conforming my earlier suspicions. 

"Mum," I began, chewing my lip. "Do I have to take Jess to see that, that band next month? I really don't want to go and I don't even like them. Why can't you take her?"

"You know why, Nathan." She said firmly, her lips were pressed into a thin line as she stared down at the sink full of soapy, dirty water that contained dishes and other cutelry. 

Because of work, I childshly mocked. I had to resist the temptation to roll my eyes, it was always the same old story; work this, work that. She was always working, especially after dad left. She never spared time for me or Jess she was alwasy to busy working. It wasn't like we needed all the money that my mum was bringing in, it's just my mum felt the need to endorce herself into work and just forget about her seventeen year old son and thirteen year old daughter. 

"Plus, it would mean the world to Jessica if you went with her." Mum smiled, she hadn't even looked up at me once since this entire conversation. She just seemed so entranced in the sink full of dishes and water and soap. 

What was so entertaining about that?

"She thinks the world of you, you know." 

"She does?" I questioned, confused. I am such a horrible person to her at times, this just didn't make sense. 

She nodded. She was looking at me now, a smile on her face. "Yeah, she does."

"Just--" She sighed, her gaze was back to the sink. "I know you don't like them but just go for her? Please Nathan, it would mean the world to me and Jess if you go with her."

"Okay, fine." I concluded. 

If it meant making my sister happy I would bend over backwards for her. And if that meant I would have to see that terrible boyband live then fuck it, I would just have to endure it. 


I apologise for the filler, it's just until this story really gets going that it will be boring but I will try to make it as good as I possibly can for you all :) 

Thanks to TheAppleSecrets, for the suggestion for Nathan's username!

None of the usernames I used are real, I just made them up by mixing together two different blog's usernames that I follow on my own tumblr lol.

How are you all doing? Did any of you guys watch Max on Bear Grylls?

- Talia x 


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