Chapter Twenty ➳ Tom

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There's only five more chapters of this story left omg. 

Quick question, if I began making youtube videos would you guys watch them and what type of videos would you want me to do? 

Chapter Twenty:



From Nathan: 

I miss you too. 

You know, I really like you. I've never liked someone this much before, usually I push people away. But not you Tom Parker. 


I felt guilty in stringing Nathan along. I felt guilty for being guilty. 

Overall, I felt guilty. 

There just seemed no end in escaping this inevitable mess I had pushed myself into when I agreed to Max's stupid plan. At the time I went along with it, it seemed like a good plan back then but now, it's not a good plan; far from it. 

Max had told me he deserved him and I believed him but now that I've really got to know Nathan, I just can't do it. It felt wrong. However, It wasn't that easy to wiggle myself out of the dilemma as either way, Nathan will get hurt. I didn't want that. 

However, me and Max were drifting apart because of this and I didn't like or want that either. 

"You have to tell him the truth you know." Siva spoke up from beside, making me jump. I was too deep in my own thoughts that I didn't realise he was sat next to me. 

"What are you talking about?" I opted to act stupid. 

Siva saw right through it, though. 

"You know what I'm talking about, Tom." 

I sighed. I did know and I didn't like knowing, I just wanted it all to go away but I know that I was stuck with this forever. It would haunt me and one day, catch up with me and then Nathan will find out and he will hate me.

"I know." I admitted. "But I don't know how to tell him, I don't want him to hate me." 

Siva gave me a pointed look. "If you keep this from him and he finds out somehow, he will hate you even more. Your relationship would be based on a lie and that's not healthy. It wasn't supposed to be much a relationship anyway, you were just going to use him." 

"Please just tell him the truth." I nodded. He was right. 

"Before it's too late." 

Looking back down at the messages Nathan had sent me earlier, which I had yet to reply to made me feel worse. I felt sick but there was no one else to blame but myself- I got myself into this mess and I should be the one to get myself out of it. 

My eyes snapped up when I heard someone else walk into the living room, they seemed panicked. It was Jay. Both me and Siva gave each other a look before we looked back at Jay who was breathing rather quickly, his hair was a mess and he looked like something was bothering him. 

"Have either of you seen Max?" We both shook our heads and this sparked more concern into the curly-haired man child. "Fuck!"

"What's going on?" Siva asked, calmly whilst Jay was the opposite; he was pulling at his hair and cursing under his breath. 

"Shit, shit, shit." He was beginning to worry me now. "I should have stopped him! I didn't really believe-" He then turned to look at me. 

"I'm sorry Tom." 

Confused, I had asked what he was on about. What was there to be sorry about? Sure, Max had gone missing but that was nothing out of the norm. He had probably found a pub somewhere and copped off with a girl. Why was he apologising to me?

Jay seemed reluctant to say any further but he must have noticed how utterly confused I was and Siva too. "He said something about going to Manchester- about Nathan. He said he's going to tell the truth about the, uh, the game you two were playing on him." 

"I really did try to stop him." 

"I'm afraid-" The tears had already began rolling down my face and all I had done was think about the possibilities of what the outcome may be when I tell him. "-I'm afraid that it's already too late." 

oooooh shit. 

lmao me and my cliffhangers. 

So yeah, Max is off to go and tell Nathan the truth. 

Like I said earlier, there is only five chapters left and these next few chapters should be filled with so much drama man. Especially the last chapter, I have already got it planned. Originally this was supposed to be 30 chapters long but I decided to cut it short. I didn't really have much planned for me to drag it out, so I thought it was better to do up to 25 chapters. 

Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes, this makes me very happy. I love you all x 

- Talia x 

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