Chapter Thirteen ➳ Nathan

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Nathan's POV:

I wasn't one to venture too far outside of my comfort zone which is why I would rather be anywhere else but here right now, standing in a room with five pair of eyes staring right at me, sizing me up. This was definitely out of the question for being comfortable, subsequently I regret agreeing to come here now. The scariest thing about it all was the looks I was getting off of Max - they were literally spine chilling. I felt like the moment my back was turned, I would be stabbed in the back.

It didn't take me long to realise why they looked so uneasy with my presence, they knew who I was; what I had done.

I wondered if it was too late to run away.

"Guys, this is Nathan, my erm..." Tom trailed off, looking at me awkwardly. It really didn't help with the thick tension circulating in the air; suffocating me, killing me before Max could.

"We know who he is." Max snapped, his jaw taut. I heard Tom swallow loudly from beside me and that's when I knew I was in deep shit.

The brunette girl that I had seen with Max at the disastrous post-Manchester gig, soothingly rubbed her hand on his arm and whispered something into his ear, he un-tensed his body but still held an angry expression on his face.

My grip on Tom never loosened, he was the only thing that was stopping me from breaking down.

"Nathan, right?" The girl, who I assumed to be Max's girlfriend spoke up, catching my attention, shocking moth myself and her boyfriend. "I'm Michelle, it's nice to meet Tom's lover."

"Oh, yeah, uh we aren't together." I spluttered out awkwardly, my cheeks were burning up. There was no doubt that I had gone a cherry red.

Jay let out a sarcastic laugh, his head was thrown back as his laughter eased the tension. "Bullshit! You two are together, I mean if the both of you blushing and the sad look on Tom's face doesn't prove anything then Tom pining for you should prove it all."

At least Jay seemed to like me. That made two out of the five people staring at me right now didn't mind me.

Jay then mocked me, jokingly. "We aren't together - yeah, yeah whatever!"

Siva, the one that had stood silently throughout the whole ordeal - ordeal for me anyway - let out a chuckle. Max had yet to crack a smile, he was the only one that didn't laugh at Jay. I feared that him warming up to me would be completely impossible.

Tom did warn me that Max would hate me at first and he knows him better than me so I should just trust him, it was the sensible thing to do.

Tom then leaned over to me and whispered to me, his hot breath causing goosebumps to arise on my forearms.

"I told you that they would like you."

* * *

Michelle had kept me company whilst the band that I had once hated performed on stage, it was all ironic really. The petite girl seemed to like me the most, -excluding Tom, of course - I just hoped that she would be able to convince Max that I had good intentions. Michelle was an all round wonderful person, she talked to me as if we had been friend's for years.

Max was the first one off the stage, when seeing Michelle's face he ran to her and pressed his lip's against Michelle's. They were like two horny teenagers as their muffled moans filled the room up. Tom was next and he kissed me, shocking me.

It was weird - no, not the kiss but the fact that he was kissing me - but I didn't complain as his soft lips against my own. I heard the sound of retreating footsteps and a few giggles, I assumed that it would be Jay and Siva. I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side, allowing Tom to kiss me more passionately.

He gently bit at my bottom of my lip; my legs turned to jelly. Our noses awkwardly bumped together but the kiss was still perfect in my eyes, I wanted it to last forever but sadly it had to end - Tom was the first to pull away.

It felt like an electric shock was going around my whole body but, it was so, so amazing. I wondered if this was a normal feeling but I didn't have time to dwell as tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dee where creepily staring at us.

Max and Michelle had long gone and so we were left alone with Jay and Siva and I knew they saw the kiss and we wouldn't hear the end of it. I made a mental note to ask Tom about the kiss, about what we were as I was extremely confused.

Were we together?

Are we just friends with benefits?

Is Tom just using me as a play thing? As a pawn in his vengeful and vindictive game?

I shook the silly thoughts out of my head. I couldn't think like that, it's not healthy plus I would hopefully hear the truth from Tom himself in a bit anyway.

Tom tugging at my arm melted all the thoughts away and I felt like I could breath again; I was no longer being strangled by my own twisted mind. "C'mon, lets go and find an empty room and continue what we were doing." Tom winked at me and once again I felt like my legs would give way underneath me.

I don't know what it is but without fail, Tom has been making me feel weak recently. A niggling feeling at the back of my mind said I had a crush on him but that's impossible, right?



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