The Phone Call

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Britta POV

It had been a long day at school, followed by a long hockey practice. Good thing I have my Best friend, Caitlyn, by my side. I don't know what I'd fo without her.. The Milwaukee Wave is my hockey team. We are on a roll with a 10-2 record so far. Best in the league! I lived about 10 minutes away from the rink by car. The school I went to was right next t the rink. Hockey was pretty big in Brown Deer, the suburb I live in. 

Anyway, I walked in the door. I was about to say hi to my mom, but I heard a loud shriek before I could get a word out. I dropped my backpack and hockey bag on the ground and ran to the living room where I breathed a sigh of relief. She was only talking to someone on the phone. She was smiling really big. I wondered if one of her friends was getting married or something. I wish my mom would be married again. 

You see, she and my dad divorced when I was little. They just drifted apart. I was around 5. I get to see my dad in the summer and at Christmas. He lives in Orlando, Florida. My parents still maintain a healthy relationship though. 

I went up to my room because my mom was still on the phone.

I was jamming out to music on my headphones when my mom burst through the door, nearly scaring the snot out of me

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I was jamming out to music on my headphones when my mom burst through the door, nearly scaring the snot out of me. 

Mom: Honey guess what?

B: What?

Mom: I was on the phone with Don Tibbles of Hendrix Hockey. He wants you to come be a part of Team USA for the Junior Goodwill Games. You'll be joining the Minnesota Ducks along with several others from across the nation.

B: Wow!! That's so amazing! When is it?

Mom: You would have to leave in 2 days for Minnesota. Then once everyone is there, you will travel to LA. 

B: I've always wanted to go to LA. This will be a great opportunity, but what about my team? 

Mom: Well they will have to finish the season without you, but the good news is that you will be back in time to go see dad in Orlando.

B: Well...okay!! I'll do it!

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