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Britta POV

Bombay: I've had a lot of big distractions since I've been here in LA. This is a distraction.

Bombay held up a cardboard cutout of him in his suit. He lit a match and threw it in a barrel.

Bombay: This is a fire in a barrel.

Next, he put the cardboard cutout in the barrel.

Bombay: This is a distraction in a fire in a barrel. Any questions?

We all started cheering for Bombay. This was a big step to us getting our coach back!

Bombay: We've got a lot of work to do. We've got to study our opponents and study ourselves. We have to learn from our mistakes. You all have special skills. Now we have to refine them.

Bombay had Luis work on stopping with Jan. Jan is one of Bombay's old friends. His brother Hans runs a skate shop. Maybe I'll have to check it out if I'm in Minnesota.  They stacked up soda cans and had him skate full speed and stop at the last second. We all crawled across the ice, went into the fitness room, and did different drills. I was watching our tape against Iceland with Bombay and Charlie. There were so many details that I noticed about how Iceland plays. 

After we finished, I went back into the locker room to grab my hockey bag.

B: See ya later Charlie!

C: Later!

I walked into the locker room and saw Adam sitting near his locker. He was wrapping tape around his wrist.

B: Adam?

A: Britt! I-uh...what's up?

B: *With concern* What happened to your wrist?

A: Uh...*Sigh* It's from the game against Iceland.

B: Does it hurt bad? *Touches his wrist*

A: *Wincing* 

B: I'm so sorry!!

A: It's ok. Just...please don't tell coach.

Bombay: Don't tell coach what? *Walks into locker room* That you'd play much better with two good wrists?

A: Coach! It's just a little sore. I'm okay.

Bombay: I should have spotted this sooner. Sorry, man, I wasn't doing my job.

A: Coach, I'm fine. I can play, I swear.

Bombay handed him a hockey stick and told him to rotate his bad wrist. He couldn't. I decided to leave. Adam looked so heartbroken because Bombay said he was going to bench Adam. I heard them talking but I didn't stick around. 

I was walking down the hall when I turned the corner and ran into Charlie. I almost tripped but he caught me and stood me upright.

C: You ok?

B: Oh yeah! Thanks for catching me

C: Of course. Look, Britta. I know that you have been seeing Adam along with me.

B: Charlie, I-

C: Let me finish. I just want to say that I think you should choose between us. I think that Adam is having a hard time with you hanging out with me. He seems distracted lately. So, I just want you to know that I respect whatever decision you make. If you want to hang with me, great! If you want to hang with Adam, I'd still like to be your friend. I just want to thank you for giving me a chance. I know that I made a bad first impression on you. Haha!

B: Thanks Charlie *Hugs him*

C: Of course!

I went back up to the dorms. I entered the room and saw Connie, Guy, Caitlyn, Dwayne, and Julie. We all hung out until we got tired and decided to go to bed. Tomorrow we play Canada.

*Time Skip: After Canada game*

Britta POV

We were walking on air tonight. We are in the semifinals of the Junior Goodwill Games! I was changing in the locker room. I had to go meet Adam. He wanted to talk to me. It was decision time. I had the toughest time coming to a decision, but I think that I want to be with Charlie. He makes me laugh when I am sad and after what he said to me last night, I realized how respectful, considerate, and caring he is. I am falling in love with him.

I finished changing and left the locker room.

I saw Adam sitting on a bench across the hall

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I saw Adam sitting on a bench across the hall. I took a deep breath and approached him.

B: Hey Adam

A: Hey Britt. Thanks for meeting me here

B: Of course. Um...what did you want to talk to me about?

A: Well. I know that you have been seeing Charlie and me. I just...I think that you should pick-

B: I know. I need to pick one of you. It pains me to have to tell you this Adam, but I think I want to be with Charlie...

A: Britta. You didn't let me finish. I think that you should pick Charlie. Britta, you and I are so different. I think we were mostly attracted to each other by our looks. We don't really have much in common. Britta, I met a girl from Canada. Her name is Olivia. I wanna see if we could work.

B: Canada?

A: Yeah...are you okay with that?

B: Of course Adam. I just want you to be happy. I just hope that we can still be friends.

A: *Hugging Britta* I would love that.

B: Oh and Adam. If it doesn't work with you and Olivia...I have a girl in mind for you.

A: Really? Who?

B: I can't tell you.

A: Haha. Alright. Later Britt!

B: See ya, Adam!

I was walking up to the dorms. I can't believe how well that went. It was fun to date Adam, but I think being friends is the right move for us. At least for right now. I unlocked the door to my dorm and saw Julie on her bed. 

J: Did you tell him?

B: Yeah. But Jules...he's found someone else.

J: Oh. How did he find someone already? Wel,l maybe if they don't work out then I can have a shot.

B: Of course. I already dropped a hint to him about you. 

J: Thanks, Britt!

B: Of course, Julie

J: Are you going to tell Charlie tomorrow.

B: You bet! I can't wait. Maybe he will ask me to be his girlfriend!?

J: He'd be crazy not to.

B: Hey, where is Connie and Caitlyn?

J: They went on a double date. Caitie and Dwayne. Connie and Guy.

B: That's sweet!

B: Alright, I'm gonna go to bed and then find Charlie tomorrow. 

J: Alright. Night, Britt

B: Night, Jules

I fell asleep thinking about Charlie.

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