Trinidad game and tickets

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Britta POV

*Recap: The girls are unpacking. Britta is in her pajamas. (Pictured Below)*

 (Pictured Below)*

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B: Hi...

Charlie: Hey...

B: What can I do for ya?

C: Can we talk in the hall? 

B: Yeah. Sure.

C: Uhhhhh... *Looking Britta up and down*

B: Charliiiiieeee.....

C: Oh. Sorry. Look...I know that I was kind of a jerk. I was rude, inconsiderate, and jealous. I want you to know that I'm not really like that though. So...I was hoping that you would give me a chance to do that.

He paused.

C: Britta Rodriguez. Would you do the honors of accompanying me on a date after the Trinidad game tonight?

B: *Smiling* I'd love to!

C: Great! See ya at the game.

B: Bye Charlie!

I walked back into the dorm room and told Connie and Julie about our conversation in the hall.

C: Britt! I thought you didn't like Charlie...

J: Yeah! You said he was inconsiderate and entitled

B: I know I did, but I also said that I would give him a chance. Besides...he seems to be trying pretty hard. Haha!

J: Well duh!! He's totally in love with you!

B: What! Nu-uh

C: Jules, she is literally only saying that because she likes Adam!

B: Ok, you guys need something better to do with your time!

J: Alright! Let's get some sleep before the game. 

*Time Skip: During the Trinidad and Tobago game*

We had just scored again! We were now up 6-0 against Trinidad and Tobago. I was celebrating by hugging Adam and Dean. I looked over towards the bench and saw Jesse talking to some guy in the stands, so I went over by them.

??: Yeah, high-five some more. Man, my little brother could score on these guys

Jesse: Go bother him then

??: Haha! I don't even have a little brother

B: Then pipe down in the peanut gallery

??: Ooooh...feisty *Walked away laughing*

I rolled my eyes and went back on the ice. After a few minutes, I switched with Portman. I was on the bench and Dean and Fulton, fist-bumped, and then started checking and flipping people left and right. I heard someone in the stands call them the "Bash Brothers." I'll have to tell them about that later. As I was sitting on the bench, watching the game, I overheard Adam and Charlie talking. I tried not to make it obvious that I was listening, even though I was.

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