The final game (PART 1)

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Britta POV

I woke up when I heard Guy's alarm go off. I opened my eyes and realized that I was still wrapped in Charlie's arms. I smiled when I saw how cute he looked while sleeping. (Picture above)

I felt movement and saw that Charlie was waking up. He had a total bedhead and a raspy morning voice. It was simply adorable!

C: *Rasping* Morning Britt

B: Hi Char!

C: *Hugging Britta* You know I love cuddling with you at night. It puts me right to sleep

B: Same here- *stops talking*

I just remembered. Last night before I fell asleep...Charlie told me that he loved me.

B:, I'm going to go get ready

C: You can stay here for a little if you want

B: That's okay. The girls are probably wondering what happened to me

C: Ok, see you for the game later

B: Bye Charlie

C: Bye...

I rushed out the door and started squealing! I burst through the door to the girls' dorm.

Connie, Julie, and Caitlyn were in there getting ready for the game.

B: *Running into the room* He loves me!!

Connie: Huh? What's happening!?

B: He loves me!!


Caitlyn: WAIT! Charlie?! 

B: *Nodding head yes*

C and C and J: OH MY GOSH!!!! EEKK!!

They started jumping up and down

B: Lemme tell you the whole story

Time Skip: Britta told the girls about what happened the night before. They all decided that she should tell Charlie she loves him back, after the game tonight. *Now it is game time*

We were all in the locker room getting ready when Adam came through the door, excited about something.

A: Coach! I woke up, *Rotating wrist* and the pain was gone

We all cheered until Bombay spoke

Bombay: Adam, I'm sorry, we have a full roster.

There was silence among everyone. Some glanced towards Russ, knowing that if he wasn't on the team then this wouldn't be a problem. Russ started to take his jersey off. He was stopped. By none other than Charlie Conway.

C: He can have my spot. It's what I can do for the team. Let me do it.

Bombay: Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with me.

I walked over to Charlie as everyone started exiting the locker room.

C: Did I do the right thing?

B: *Hugging him* Charlie that was increddibly selfless of you. I'm so proud of you.

C: Thanks Britta

B: Now, c'mon baby! We've got a game to win.

We walked out of the locker room, hand in hand. We approached the bench and Coach started talking.

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