The best news of the century

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Britta POV

After getting back from my date with Charlie, I immediately told Connie and Julie everything. We talked for hours. We went to bed, but I was woken up around midnight by the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned as I rolled onto my side and propped up my head. Without checking the caller ID, I answered it.

B: Whoever is calling this late, better have a damn good reason for waking me up...

??: Hey Rodriguez!!!!

B: Caitlyn??

C: You got it Bestie!

B: What's up?!

C: oh, ya know, just calling to say that I have a flight to LA that leaves tomorrow, annnnddd I'll be in tomorrow so that I can watch your game against Italy the next day!

B: That's so great!! This is the best news of the century!!

C: I know right?! So watcha up to?

B: Girl, it's midnight, and you're asking what I'm up to?!

C: *laughing* I forgot about the time difference. I'll let ya go. I'll text you when my flight gets in LA time!

B: Haha! Alright, see ya tomorrow Caitie!!

C: Later, Rodriguez

I went back to sleep after that, but it took a while because I was so excited about Caitlyn coming to visit. Soon enough, morning rolled around. At 8 am, I woke up and woke up Connie and Julie and told them the news. I checked my phone and saw that Caitlyn's plane gets in at 1:30. Perfect! That will give me enough time to introduce her to the team before our 4 o'clock practice. 

I could hardly wait. I spent the morning at a mini-golf course with Averman and Adam. Adam slayed, but I didn't have time to be mad because Ms. Mckay was going to drive me to the airport to pick up Caitlyn. Bombay said that she could stay in the dorms with us girls as long as she agreed to help be the team's manager. Caitlyn is one of the Wave's most talented players.

After a long reunion at the airport and an introduction to Ms. Mckay, we drove back to the dorms so that I could introduce her to the team. I had told her about how Connie, Dwayne, and Julie were some of my best friends. I told her about my date with Charlie and sitting by Adam on the plane. I told her about the Trinidad game and playing mini-golf. When I was done, she had some words of her own for me.

Caitlyn: Wow, sounds like you have had quite the "adventure"

B: What do you mean by "adventure?"

C: Don't play dumb Rodriguez!! The way you talk about Charlie and Adam...

B: What about them?

C: You like both of them

B: *Thinks for a minute* Oh boy...I do...

C: Don't worry! After you get to know them more, I'm sure you'll realize which one you want to be with.

B: Yeah...hopefully

C: C'mon! I wanna meet everyone

I first took her to meet Jesse, Averman, and Goldberg and then Adam, Guy, and Charlie. She got along really well with all of them. It was only mildly annoying when she kept winking at me everytime I talked to Adam or Charlie. 

We went see Dean and Fulton next. 

B: Bash Bros!

D: What's up Bash Babe? Well well well...who do we have here? *Staring at Caitlyn*

B: This is Caitlyn. She is going to be managing the team while she is visiting.

F: Well I'm Fulton Reed. This is Dean Portman *Guestering to Dean* 

C: Nice to meet you!

F: You play hockey?

C: Oh yeah! Me and Rodriguez have been playing with the Wave for 3 years. Before that it was the Timberwolves. Before that it wa-

B: Ok, ok! *Laughing* I think they get it

D: *Wrapping an arm around Caitlyn* Well Caitlyn, I can call you my other Bash Babe if you want. Or I can just call you mine!

B: *Pretending to barf* Alright Caitie let's get outta here before Dean uses anymore pick-up lines on you

C: Later!

We went to visit Ken, Dwayne, and Luis next.

B: Hey Ya'll!! This is Caitlyn. She is going to be managing the team while she is visiting. 

L: Hi I'm Luis Mendoza

K: And I'm Ken Wu

C: Nice to meet you!

D: Well howdy there Missy! I'm Dwayne Robertson.

C: *Blushing* It's nice to meet you Dwayne. So where are you from?

D: Austin, Texas. Are you from Milwaukee too?

C: Yes I am. Rodriguez has told me good things about her friend, Rancher Dwayne *Teasing*

D: I've heard good things about you too. * With a cheeky smile* Britta never said her friend was such a pretty little lady though

I let them keep talking as I walked over to Luis and Ken. We all started whispering.

L: Britt, you better get them together quick

B: I know right?! I've never seen her this mushy before

K: Don't ya think Dwayne is too timid to ask her out

B: He doesn't need confidence. That southern charm will get him very far

L: We can help him work up some courage

B: Alright thanks guys. I'll talk to Caitie

We ended our conversation and turned back to Caitlyn and Dwayne. 

B: Alright Green, we gotta get ready for practice

We all said goodbye and then went back to our dorm. I introduced her to Connie and Julie. It was like they had been friends forever. We were all chatting when I just couldn't help myself anymore.

J: So Caitlyn, how lo-


C: Shut up Britta!!!

Wanna know what my bestie did next? She tackled me! It's no big deal. I'll just do it to her next time she makes fun of me. Connie and Julie were just laughing.

 I can tell that we are gonna make an awesome group!

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