The real Charlie Conway

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Next Day

*Time skip: Britta packed up all her things and she is meeting the team at the airport to head to LA*

Britta's outfit 

Britta's outfit 

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Britta POV

I walked into the airport and saw Connie, Guy, Jesse, Fulton, Adam, Luis, and Bombay. At least I wasn't the last one to arrive. I hate being late. I headed over to where the team was and sat in a comfy chair. I was listening to my headphones when I felt a presence next to me in another chair.  I looked over and saw Adam.

B: *Taking off headphones* Hey Adam! Watcha up to?

A: Oh, you know, not much. Just talking to a cute girl! *Winks*

B: *Blushing* Oh reaaallly! Who would that be?

A: *Pretends to be thinking* Why you of course!

B: Well I'm flattered

It was quiet for a moment before Adam spoke again.

A: Hey Britta...I was wondering um...if maybe, you uh...

He was blushing and stammering. Honestly, it was adorable.

B: *Teasing* Adam, ya wanna try saying some actual words?

A: *Chuckling* Ok! Do you wanna sit with me on the plane?

B: Yes! Of course!

A: Cool! *Gets up and goes over to Fulton

After about 10 more minutes, everyone had finally shown up. I was heading over to the entrance when Charlie Conway tapped my shoulder and smiled at me like we were best friend or something. He had a bright smile on his face. I knew he was up to something...

C: Hey Britta! How are you today?

B: ...fine...

C: So...I was thinking. We got off on the wrong foot the other day, and I'd really like to get to know you better. So...wanna sit next to me on the plane? I can tell ya all about the ducks and you know...

B: Sorry Charlie. I'm already sitting with someone.

I walked away after that. I am still not really sure how I feel about Charlie. I really didn't like the way he treated Dwayne. I think that Charlie feels that everything he wants will just be handed to him. He seems entitled. I don't like that. Adam on the other hand works hard to be the great hockey player that he is. He is making time to get to know me. He doesn't just assume that I want to be his best friend. But...I will still give Charlie a chance. Just not yet. Right now...I get to sit by Adam for a couple of hours. Yay!


Charlie POV

I can't believe it! Britta is already sitting by someone. Of all the cruddy luck. Oh well...

As I was boarding the plane I saw the top of Adam's head behind a seat. If I can't sit with Britta then maybe I'll sit with my best friend. As I approached Adam I saw that he was talking to someone. I couldn't believe it!

C: Adam! *Staring in disbelief*

A: What?

C: Ummm.... *Not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Britta even more* can I talk to you for a minute. 

A: Yeah. Sure.

They both walked over to the front of the plane.

C: Adam! Why are you sitting with Britta?

A: Seriously? Why do you think?

C: I wanted to sit with her though

A: I don't care! I asked her first

Their voices were starting to rise a little more and soon the people in the front of the plane were staring. Soon, Bombay came over to see what the ruckus was.

B: What's going on over here?

A and C: *Explained what's going on

B: *Sighs* You two, are best friends. Adam, remember when Charlie was the only one to befriend you when you first joined the ducks? Charlie, remember when Adam stuck with the ducks when everybody else was mad at me. He could've quit instead of playing with us. Now, are you two really going to let the new girl come between you two because she's pretty?

A: No. Sorry man

C: I'm sorry too

They hugged

B: Hey Charlie. *After Adam had gone back to his seat* If you really want to win over Britta, why don't you act like the real Charlie Conway?

C: What do you mean?

B: The Charlie Conway I know, isn't going to get jealous. He is going to do everything in his power to force a relationship. He is kind. Sweet. funny. A great leader. The Charlie Conway I know is charming and any girl would be lucky to have him. 

C: Thanks, coach! *Hugs him*

B: Be the real Charlie Conway

I walked down the aisle and found a seat next to Jesse


Britta POV

*Time Skip: After the plane lands*

A: Hey Britta! Briiitttttaaaa! Wake up!

B: *Still drowsy* hmmm?

I noticed that my head was on Adam's chest and he had his arm wrapped around my waist. I started blushing really hard.

A: It's time to get off the plane

B: oh ok. Was I sleeping on you the whole time?

A: Pretty much

B: Sorry about that. You coulda woke me

A: Nah. You're really cute when you sleep

We both started blushing really hard.


Britta POV

We all were off the plane and Connie, Julie, and I were unpacking in our dorm room. I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it, and I was a little surprised to see who it was.

B: Hi...

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