The Beach

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Caitlyn POV

I woke up and checked my phone. I had tons of text messages from the group chat. There was one from Dwayne too. I read it out loud. 

C: Morning Darlin'! Hope my cowgirl slept well last night. I'll see you for breakfast later. Love and Kisses!

Britta: Aweeeeee!!!

C: *Blushing* Shut up, Rodriguez!!

Britta: Haha

The gears started turning in my brain. Britta went out with Adam last night. I smiled mischievously and turned to her.

C: So...Britta! What did you do last night?

Britta: Uhhhh

C: Spill!

Britta: About what?


Britta: Ugh, fine. 

We sat on the bed and she told me everything. Now, I've seen the way she looks at Adam. I've also seen the way she looks at Charlie. It's the same. The only thing is...she is moving really fast with Adam. Charlie hasn't progressed their relationship that much.

Maybe I'll have to change that...

Britta POV

I went over to my side of the dorm room and got ready for the beach. It was only a fifteen-minute bus ride from the dorms. 

I put my hair up and got dressed.

I put my hair up and got dressed

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We all met in the lobby

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We all met in the lobby. I was talking with Connie and Julie. We were so excited to go swimming and soak up all the sun. It was going to be an all-day par-tay! least until practice later. Connie pointed out how Caitlyn was talking to Jesse and Dwayne was standing behind her with his arms around her. It was so cute! I noticed that Adam was talking to some girl with a hockey stick. I didn't recognize her. Weird.

Dwayne: Bus is here!

We all boarded the bus. We laughed and talked all the way to the beach. When we arrived I decided to hit the water right away. I pulled off my clothes and was about to head into the water.

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