Treat her right!

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Britta POV

Ms. Mckay: Britta...Britt wake up

I slowly lifted my head off my desk where I saw the rest of the team slipping into fits of sleep. Some were trying to stay awake but most had just given up and tried to get some sleep.

B: Sorry Ms. Mckay

Ms. McKay: Why are you all so tired?

We told her all about how Bombay made us practice until 1:30 in the morning after he had yelled at us in the locker room. Charlie then explained that Bombay made me stay until 2 am to do 20 more sprints because I had confronted him. I still can't believe he criticized my playing the way he did. 

Anyway, Ms. McKay said that our practice was canceled and that we could go to our dorms before our game tonight. 

I was sort of sleepwalking on my way out the door when Charlie came up to me.

C: Hey Britt, wanna piggyback ride to the dorms?

B: Yes, please!

C: Alright hop on!

I fell asleep on Charlie's back.


Charlie POV

I was carrying Britta to her dorm when I realized that I didn't have a key to her room. So I decided to just lay her on my bed. I laid next to her and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up after around four hours. I saw that Britta was still asleep, so I left her be and went to go get some sandwiches, chips, and juice for lunch. I was gone for around fifteen minutes. When I came back, I saw that Britta woke up.

B: Charlie? Where am I?

C: I had to bring you to my dorm because I didn't have a key for yours.

B: Oh ok

C: Want some lunch?

B: Yes, please!

We sat on the bed and ate and talked.

C: So Britta...wanna go-

Just then Caitlyn burst through the door.

Caitlyn: Rodriguez!! Guess what?!

B: What's going on?

Then Dwayne came through the door and put his arm around Caitlyn.

D: Hey Darlin'! Lost ya there for a second

Caitlyn: Britt! Dwayne asked me out

B: Awe! That's so great! Two of my best friends! Together! I'm super happy for you guys

D: Thanks, Britt! 

They were about to leave when Britta called Dwayne's name

B: Hey Cowboy!

He popped his head back in the door

B: Treat her right!

D: Will do *smiling*

*Time Skip: Workout with the team*

Britta POV

Dean: And hold, two, three-

Connie: Coach isn't here. Why do we have to be?

Dean: We have a game tonight. We gotta work out

Goldberg: I say mutiny. Who's with me?

Dwayne: Goldberg, I'm too tired to mutiny

Britta: C'mon guys! It's not like we couldn't use the conditioning

Dean: Speak for yourself, babe!

Adam: *With anger* Her name is Britta, not babe!

I started blushing when he said that

Dean: Don't tell me how to talk rich boy!

Fulton: Portman, chill!

Everyone was arguing when the boy from our first game against Trinidad and Tobago showed up.

??: Yo, Team USA, what are you going to do today, a million jumping jacks?

Dean: This kid's crazier than me. Forget about him. Look, Fulton!

J: Hey, man, I'm getting sick of you!

??: I'm gettin' sick of seeing the USA represented by a bunch of whining babies.

He then invited us to play schoolyard puck with him and his "boys". Whatever that means. 

Courtney: ...What do you guys think?

Averman: Let's do it!

We all hopped on a bus and headed over to play. It was so great to get to ply for fun. For once, there was no pressure to win! It was just Team USA having a good time. It turns out that the guys we met aren't so bad after all. Russ, (The guy from earlier) showed us his signature shot, the Knucklepuck.

They even showed Kenny how to be tougher and attempted to get Luis to use his brakes so that he didn't slam into the wall all the time.

I was skating down the court and I almost got slammed into the fence. I was just a little bit faster though. I continued down and passed the puck to Adam, who was waiting by the goal. he received the puck and slammed it into the barrel we were using as the goal.

B: *Hugging Adam* Nice shot! That's how we do it!!

Adam picked me up and started skating around with me in his arms.

B: *Laughing* Adam!! Put me down!

A: Haha! Sorry, guess I was too pumped from that goal!

Adam put me down and was staring at me. We were separated by around 6 inches. He was about to close the ga when Luis interrupted us.

L: Adaaammm! Britttaaaa! Stop making goo goo eyes at each other. We have a game to play.

Adam and I both flushed with embarassment. We all boarded the bus to head back to the dorms. We had to get ready for our game tonight. 

James, Russ, and the other boys watched us as we headed back to play against Germany.

 Let's just hope that Bombay doesn't freak out at us like last time...

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