I'm back...and I'm sorry

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Britta POV

We were all in the box, waiting for Bombay to show up. The game was starting in 5 minutes and he hadn't even bothered to show up. What a cruddy coach.

B: What an ass!

Charlie: Whoa! It's okay. He'll be here

B: Whatever

The ref came over and told us that we would forfeit the game if we didn't have a coach. Charlie skated towards the boards and started talking to Ms. McKay, who was walking to her seat. After a minute or so, Ms. McKay hopped on the boards and agreed to be our coach.

Ms. McKay: What are you waiting for? The Ice to freeze? Let's play!

We all started cheering. Charlie came back over with a large grin on his face.

B: Thank you, Charlie! *Kisses his cheek*

C: *Blushing* No problem

I went out on the first line with Guy and Adam. I took the face-off. The German player winked at me before he pushed me down. He took hold of the puck and brought it down the right-wing. He passed it off to one of his teammates, who shot it. Goldberg got the save! 

We were getting pounded by Germany. They were so much bigger than us. We were down 2-1 when Ms. McKay called for a line change. I jumped over the boards and took a seat. Charlie and Jesse came in for me and Guy. 

Late in the first period, Bombay showed up with a duck whistle. He called for everyone to come in. After some hesitation, everyone was crowded around him.

Bombay: Team. Guys. I was wrong. And I'm sorry. I forgot about the team. And the team is all I have. All I want... is another chance. Just one more shot. I'm back. Okay? Believe me. Together now.

Everyone put their hands in the circle. Except me. Bombay treated me like shit. I'm not gonna support him for that. 

Bombay: Oh...and one more thing. Britta...

B: What *Sharp tone*

 Bombay: I'm so sorry for making you run extra laps after you stood up for the team and yourself. I respect you for that. I just hope that you will still have me as your coach...

B: *Thinking it over**The whole team waiting expectantly* What the hell...yes I'll play for you *Smiling*

Everyone went back onto the ice. I was on the bench for now. Bombay called for the Flying V. I had never seen it before but I knew that the original ducks had invented it.

Jesse led the formation. They brought the puck up the ice. Jesse dropped the puck back to Averman, who shot, and scored! 


We were all entering the locker room after the game. Everyone was yelling and cheering about the win. The energy in the room was great! We ended up beating Germany 3-2!

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. After that, I braided my hair and changed into a cute outfit.

 After that, I braided my hair and changed into a cute outfit

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Falling for my Teammate ~ A Charlie Conway FanficWhere stories live. Discover now