What about us!?

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Britta POV


I groaned as I flailed my arms around looking for my phone. Most annoying sound ever!!

B: *Finding phone* Finally! *Shuts alarm off

It was only 6 am but I wanted to get up early. We have an important game today. I need to go and each a healthy breakfast and then I am going to go for a walk with Dwayne. I also need to mentally prepare myself for the game tonight. There is a lot of pressure on Team USA.

I brushed my teeth, hair, and washed my face. Next, I changed into my outfit for the day.

 Next, I changed into my outfit for the day

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I grabbed my USA jacket and threw it on. I had originally planned to eat in the cafeteria, but in the end, I decided that I wanted to go to a diner down the street called Randy's Waffle Hut. I saw it while we were on our trip to the beach.

I stepped into the elevator and was about to close the door when I heard a voice from the hallway.

??: Wait! Can you hold the door?

I stopped the door from closing and saw a boy rush into the elevator.

??: Thanks! *Stops to stare at Britta* I know you from somewhere...

B: I'm Britta. *Holds out a hand to shake his* Britta Rodriguez

??: *Shakes her hand* What sport are you here for?

B: Ice hockey. How about you?

??: Track and field. Your team is really good. Who's the girl who plays goalie?

B: That's Julie. Bombay should be playing her more.

J: Yeah, I was at one of your games and saw her warming up...

B: So, you think she's cute?

J: Kinda

B: That's cool! So, what's your name?

J: Jake Santana (I put a pic of Jake in the characters chapter)

B: So Jake, you're competing for the USA, what state are you from?

J: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

B: No way!! I'm from Milwaukee!

J: Wow! That's crazy!

B: Hey Jake...I was going to go and get some breakfast. Wanna join me?

J: Yeah, of course!

B: Great!

We stepped off the elevator and headed outside. It was so nice out. I took my jacket off and tied it around my waist. The light breeze felt so nice on my skin. We walked for about 7 minutes until we arrived at the diner. We grabbed a seat. After we ordered, we continued talking about everything. We talked about our lives back home, our friends, our teams, and I even told him about Charlie.

J: So, do you think he will ask you to be his girlfriend?

B: I hope so! Maybe I can introduce you two. You guys would like each other. Then you can slip him the hint! *Laughing*

J: I can't wait to meet him. So you think I could get Julie's number? 

B: Of course! I should warn you though. She likes Adam and I told her that I would try and get them together if he doesn't work with Olivia

J: ...I'll still take it

Charlie POV

I was walking down one of the streets and I saw a familiar brunette in a diner. It was Britta. She was sitting with some guy. I was so upset!

I saw her take his phone and start typing on it.

She's giving him her number?!

I couldn't bear watching it. I marched right into the diner and approached their table.

C: *Tense* Hey Britta...

B: Charlie! Jake, this is Charlie! Charlie, this is Jake!

J: *Tries to shake his hand* Hey! Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you

C: *Ignores handshake* Britta! Why are you with him!?

J: *Standing up to leave* Uh...maybe I should go. Thanks for the number, Britt. Maybe I'll see you later...

B: Oh ok. Bye Jake!

C: You gave him your phone number?! What about us?

B: *With anger* For your information! I gave him JULIE'S number because he has a crush on her. Second, Jake is my new friend. We met in the elevator while I was on my way over here. Third, I invited him here because I have social skills and know how to treat my friends. You know, by getting to know them before you judge them. I'm sure you know all about that! Oh, wait...YOU DON'T! You judge me and him by looking through the window!

C: Britta I-

B: Oh and to answer your question: What about us? 

B: What about us, Charlie?! I'm not your girlfriend! I wanted to be! Until I saw how jealous you got over a guy that you didn't know. Sorry, but there's nothing to us if you are going to act that way...

She stormed out after that. I stared in shock. I can't believe she said that. Most of all... HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID!?!?


I need to get her back. I know just how to do it. I ran back to the dorms and called in some people. Namely...the whole ducks squad and...Jake. I apologized to him and he wants to help me with Britta. Dwayne took Britta out on a walk to keep her out of the dorms. I filled him in on the plan though.

I explained what happened. Then, I asked for their help.

C: So, I was thinking that you guys could help me make some signs. Then after the game, you guys will hold them up for her. I will be at the end of the line and I will ask her to be my girlfriend...what do you think?

Caitlyn: Rodriguez is gonna flip!!!

Averman: She's gonna love it, man

Adam: I didn't know Conway was such a simp!

C: Shut up!

Jesse: We got your back Charlie

C: Thanks, guys! Now, let's get to work

We spent all day making sure that everything was perfect. We even rehearsed how it was gonna go down.

Now, all we had to do was play the game against Russia...and win! No...even if we lose...I'm still going to do it. I can't put this off. Britta means too much to me to postpone this.

Before the game, I put all the supplies in the stands. Then I joined the team in the locker room. 

It's game time!

Falling for my Teammate ~ A Charlie Conway FanficWhere stories live. Discover now