You're pretty smooth Conway!

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Britta POV


The next thing I know, I'm falling off my bed onto the-


B: OW!! *Turns to see who pushed her* CONNIE!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!?

C: *Laughing* You have a visitor

I stayed in my pajamas and started walking to the door while rubbing my head

I stayed in my pajamas and started walking to the door while rubbing my head

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B: Connie! I'm going to get you back for this. 

C: Whatever you say, Rodriguez!

I finally made my way over to the door and saw who was there.

B: Hey Charlie!

C: Uhhhh... *Looks Britta up and down* hey Britta

B: Oh, sorry. Do you want me to change?

C: No no. It's fine. Sorry. I shouldn't be staring

B: *Blushing* Alright. Well, what can I do for you?

C: I had an idea. Since Banks is out because of his injury, I was thinking that we could ask Russ to be on the team. His knuckle puck is amazing

B: That's a great idea, Charlie. I'm going to go change and then I'll come with you! Come on in.

C: *Entering room* You sure Connie isn't gonna shove me out the window or something?!

B: Hmmm...we'll see...

Connie: Only if you drool over Britta too much


Connie: What?!


C: Haha! Whatevs! Britt, the girls are going shopping later. You coming? 

B: You bet!

Connie left and I went into the bathroom and put my hair into a ponytail and then I changed.

Connie left and I went into the bathroom and put my hair into a ponytail and then I changed

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I walked out of the bathroom

Charlie: That's hot

B: *Blushing and laughing* Thanks, I guess

Falling for my Teammate ~ A Charlie Conway FanficWhere stories live. Discover now