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Britta POV

We were all in the locker room, changing when Bombay walked in.

Bombay: You all ready for warmups?

Everyone: Yeah! Woohoo!

Bombay was wearing a suit and had his hair slicked back. This couldn't be good. I had seen that look before. Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson dressed exactly like Bombay was right now. I rolled my eyes and left the locker room.

??: Hey Britta

B: *Turning around* Hey Charlie

C: Can you believe what coach is wearing?

B: I know, he looks like Stansson

C: Which is never a good sign

We continued walking until we were outside the door to the rink, where we waited for the team.

After warmups, the game began.

Dean took the faceoff. The puck was dropped and the Iceland player dived. The ref was coming over to give Dean a penalty. 

D: *Throwing hands in the air* Come on fool, get up!

When he threw his hands in the air he knocked the ref over

Ref: Calm down son. You're out of the game.

Bombay: You're throwin' him out? You can't do that! It's three seconds into the game!

I groaned because I immediately knew that this was going to be a long game. Iceland won the next faceoff and started bringing it down the ice. I was ready to swoop in and steal the puck when I was checked by Stahl who had the puck I went flying across the ice and Stahl scored.

Goldberg: Wake up defense! I can't do this all myself!

We were already down 1-0. 

Dwayne was puck-handling the puck and not passing it to Fulton who was wide open. 

B: Dwayne! Pass it!

Bombay: Pass it to Fulton!

Everyone: Dwayne! Pass it! Look out!!

Dwayne was crunched from behind and Iceland was in control again. Stahl was bringing the puck down again. I was shoving him to try and push him further away from the goal. he shot anyway, but Goldberg saved it with his glove. Adam got the puck and was bringing it down the ice, but got flipped head over heels. Luis picked up the puck and was flying across the ice. He was nearing the goal but was tripped and slid into the boards.

B: Hey! Ref, did you see that?

L: C'mon Ref! Call something...

Bombay switched Connie out with Ken and he tried to do a fancy spin move but was crushed between two Iceland players. Sanderson got the puck and brought it down the ice. I checked him, but it was too late. He had passed it to Stahl, who scored.

Sanderson: Nice try little girl

B: Don't call me little girl. I'm just as tough as anyone here

S: Oh yeah!? Well how abou-

C: Leave her alone!

S: And what if I don't?

Charlie was about to tackle the guy when the ref came over and moved them away from each other.

Ref: Settle down boys. Let's play some hockey

Sanderson and the ref skated away.

B: Thanks, Charlie! *Side hugging him*

C: *Blushing* No problem

Bombay: Rodriguez off! Banks on!

I skated off the ice and sat on the bench. Caitlyn handed me a water bottle. 

B: Thanks Caitie!

C: No problem. What's happening out there? I've never seen you struggle this much. 

B: I just need space to get my shot off.

C: I'll talk to Bombay

B: Thanks

We went into the locker room at the end of the second period.

Bombay: Where's our concentration? You guys are running around like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off!

Jesse: We're trying our best

Bombay: Well your best isn't good enough anymore. Blow this game and we are one loss away from elimination. You guys might want to go home early, but I sure as heck don't.

Averman: My, that was inspiring.

We went back onto the ice and within the first minute, Iceland had scored again. I groaned at Goldberg for letting in another goal. 

Bombay answered my prayers and took Goldie off the ice and put Julie in. I was watching her by the goal and saw her talking to two Iceland players. She then shoved them over but got kicked out of the game. I can't believe this is happening.

Bombay: Rodriguez, get on the ice and shoot from as far as you can.

B: Got it, coach!

I hopped over the boards and received the puck from Guy. I was a little ways past center ice. I blasted it as hard as I could. I could hardly see the puck, it was moving so fast. The Iceland goalie stuck his glove out and caught the puck. I couldn't believe it! No one ever stopped my rocket shots from center ice.

I buried my head in my hands. I was so frustrated.

That game continued. We fell more and more behind. Adam got the puck and was moving on the left side. He skated towards the center, and spun to avoid an Iceland player. He scored!! Then Sanderson hit Adam in the wrist with his stick.

B: *Pushing Sanderson* Hey! What's your problem?

S: Watch out Sweetie! Before you get hurt

Charlie: Hey! Back off

Guy: Just get outta here

Sanderson went to the penalty box and we all went to check on Adam. At least we got one point now!

*Time Skip: The locker room*

Bombay: Twelve to one. You know what word comes to mind when you think of that? Hmmm? Pathetic! You guys were brought here to play hockey.

Jesse: What about you?

Bombay: What about me Jesse?

Britta: Coach Stansson knew everything about us

Julie: they were ready for us

Luis: And you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to those sponsor fools

Fulton: And hanging with the Iceland lady

Dean: We saw you two Saturday night. Eating icecream with the enemy, huh, coach?

Bombay: What I do is none of your business. Is that clear?

Britta: Then what we do is none of your business.

Bombay glared at me. 

Bombay: You should talk Rodriguez. You played way too sloppy tonight. You let everyone get past you and couldn't make a shot.

Britta: I shot the puck from past center ice!! You are mad that I didn't make it!? I'm out of here!

Bombay: Don't take those pads off. We have practice.

We were skating laps until 2 am. Bombay said that we could all go back to our dorms. Except me. I had 20 more laps before I could go to bed. 

When I finally went to bed it was almost 3 am and I had school at 6:30

Man...I hate Bombay

Falling for my Teammate ~ A Charlie Conway FanficWhere stories live. Discover now