You look beautiful

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Britta POV

B: Nice save Goldie!!

We were dominating Italy the whole game. I had just scored to put our team up 8-0. Goldberg was making good saves, but I felt that Julie should be given a chance to play too. She is really good at being goalie. 

*Time Skip: After the game in the locker room*

We won the game 11-0

I was changing in the locker room. 

After we were all changed, I was going to see if Connie wanted to go shopping

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After we were all changed, I was going to see if Connie wanted to go shopping. Julie, Luis, and Charlie were going to go to an arcade. Caitlyn was going to go with Dwayne and some of the boys to Rodeo drive. 


Adam POV

After Britta is done changing, I am gonna ask her to hang out with me. I know that Charlie has plans so today should be perfect. I was sorta watching her to see when she was going to leave. 

I know what you are thinking...dude that's creepy. I WASN'T STARING! I was just glancing at her every once in a while, but she is so pretty.

Britta left the locker room and was headed toward the dorms. I followed after her and called her name.

A: Hey Britta!

B: *Turning around* Hey Adam! What's up?

She looked really good in the outfit she was wearing. I suddenly got really nervous. Damn, she was hot!

A: I-I was j-just wondering if you had plans tonight? I thought m-maybe we could go out for dinner? My treat!

B: That sounds great Adam! Let me just go to the dorms and change into something nicer.

A: Absolutely not! You look beautiful just the way you are!

B: *Blushing* Thank you, but Adam, I can't go out to a restaurant in these clothes.

A: We will go somewhere casual.

B: Fine

A: Great, let's go

*Time Skip: During Dinner*

A: Wait! She did what?

B: *Laughing* She jumped off the roof, into the pool!

A: *Chuckling* That's crazy!

There was a comfortable silence between us after that. 

B: This is a really nice diner. I'm glad we decided to come here. Casual, but with good food!

A: I'm glad too

The waitress came over and handed us the check. I put enough money down for the both of us and stood up. I reached out my hand for her to grab. She took it and we walked out of the diner. We held hands as we walked down the sidewalk. I was about to ask Britta to go on another date with me when this boy on a skateboard came and stopped in our path.

 I was about to ask Britta to go on another date with me when this boy on a skateboard came and stopped in our path

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??: Hey hot stuff! Why don't ya ditch this guy and come and hang with me?

B: Sorry. Not interested.

??: Aw c'mon. What? Is this your boyfriend or something?

B: Umm...yep! This is my boyfriend

??: Prove it

This was my chance.

I turned Britta toward me, cupped her face in my hands, and kissed her passionately. We kissed for like a minute. When she pulled away I noticed that the boy had left. 

B: Thanks Adam, but you didn't have to do that

We were still really close to each other. Only a few mere inches separated our faces

A: I know, but I wanted to

B: I'm glad you did

We kissed again after that. After we pulled away we headed back to the dorms. As we approached the outside of her doorway we said goodbye and goodnight. She hugged me and then went into her room.

What a night!


Britta POV

I closed the door to my dorm and saw all the girls sitting on my bed, staring at me with stupid grins on their faces.

B: I swear if anyone says anything I'm going to start punching

C: How was your date with Adam!!!???

B: Conn, shut up!!

Caitlyn: Rodriguez! You better tell us or else!

I reluctantly told them everything. There was a moment of silence after I finished.

J: Oh my gosh!! That's amazing!!

B: It was pretty amazing!

C: So...does this mean you like Adam!?

B: Well ya, but I still like Charlie

Caitlyn: Well when is your next date?

B: With who?

J: Does it matter?

B: Haha! Very funny. I'm going to bed. We play Iceland tomorrow.

I changed into my pajamas

I changed into my pajamas

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B: Night girls!

J and C and Caitlyn: Night!

I drifted off to sleep thinking about my night with Adam

Falling for my Teammate ~ A Charlie Conway FanficWhere stories live. Discover now