All across the USA

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Britta POV

I made my way over to Mr. Tibbles and the new recruits.

B: Hi, my name is Britta! Are you Mr. Tibbles?

Tibbles: Yes. Yes, I am. I am proud to welcome you to TEAM USA! Why don't you all get to know each other while I go and see if the limo is here.

Tibbles walked away and a girl with blonde hair stepped towards me.

??: Hi I'm Julie Gaffney from Bangor, Maine. I'm so happy to see that I won't be the only girl on my team! My team in Maine was all boys except for me and my best friend, Maggie.

B: Well it's great to meet you, Julie! My name is Britta Rodriguez and I'm from Brown Deer, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I have a feeling we are going to be great friends. 

We hugged and continued chatting while the boys watched us. One of the boys cleared his throat and Julie and I looked over.

??: *Ahem* Have any interest in getting to know the rest of us.

We all laughed at his goofy remark

B: *Chuckling* Ok, well what's your name?

??: I'm Luis Mendoza from Miami, Florida. 

B: That's so cool! My dad lives in Orlando and I'll be visiting him for the summer once school lets out. Maybe we can hang out!

L: That would be very cool!

I turned to the next boy and asked what his name was.

??: I'm Ken Wu from San Fransisco California. I was in the Olympics for figure skating.

J: What made you decide to play hockey?

K: Well I need to toughen up, so Tibbles suggested hockey.

We all giggled. Then a muscular guy with headphones stepped towards me.

??: Hey there Beautiful. They call me Portman. Dean Portman.

B: *Feeling uncomfortable* Ummm...alright. Well as you know, I'm Britta. So where do y-

Dean: *Cutting Britta off* You know, someone as pretty as you shouldn't be playing hockey. You should be in the stands, wearing my jersey, while cheering me on.

Before I had a chance to respond, the last boy jumped to my defense.

??: Alright, alright. maybe we should leave the little lady alone now. 

He turned to me and introduced himself.

??: Howdy there Missy. I'm Dwayne Robertson from Austin, Texas. 

B: It's great to meet you, Dwayne.

We all continued to chat until Tibbles came back and headed us into the limo after loading up all our bags. We drove for about 15 minutes and arrived at a large hotel. It was really beautiful. I pulled my bag out of the back and started to walk towards the entrance.

Dwayne: Scuze me, Miss. Want some help with that?

B: Sure. That'd be great. Thanks, Dwayne.

Dwayne: No problem. Happy to help out a lady in need.

*Time skip after checking in to the hotel. Britta and Julie are roommates. The new recruits are entering the locker room to get changed for their first hockey practice*

We all walked into the locker room and started to get changed. I put on my Milwaukee Wave jersey and waited for Julie. Then we skated onto the ice to start warming up. Soon after, the boys showed up. We warmed up for about 15 minutes when we heard a door open. 

I looked over and saw a bunch of kids in green duck jerseys and a man with a whistle.

The Ducks!

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