Because we're a team

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Britta POV

I changed into a comfy summer outfit before heading over to the car.

I changed into a comfy summer outfit before heading over to the car

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B: Mom! I'm ready!

Mom: Be right there!!

The Ducks and I flew back from LA, 2 days ago. Bombay was having us all come over to his house for one last hurrah before we all went out separate ways. My mom drove up to Minneapolis meet me at the airport. We have been staying in a hotel together. 

Last night, Charlie and his mom, Casey, invited me and my mom over for dinner. My mom loves Charlie. She says he is perfect for me. I think she likes him more than me. Haha! 

Mom: Alright! I'll drive you to coach's house. I will pick you up at 11. Okay?

B: Yup! Thanks, mom!

When I got out of the car, I walked around back and saw the team sitting on logs. 

B: Hey guys!

There were choruses of Heys and Hellos.

I plopped down next to Charlie on a log. 

We all laughed and talked while making s'mores and roasting marshmallows. Goldberg lit his on fire and Charlie had to step on it to put it out. We all started singing We Are The Champions, by Queen. 

After we put the fire out, Charlie pulled me around to the side of the house. He leaned against the fence and started looking at the stars. 

B: I have to head back to Milwaukee tomorrow. 

C: Y-Yeah... *Sniffing*

B: Char? Are you okay?

He turned to face me and I saw the tears welling in his eyes. 

B:'ll be okay...

C: I-I know. I'm j-just gonna miss you, Rodriguez.

B: I'll miss you too, baby. But, I promise, we will make this work. I care about you too much to see our relationship die over distance. No matter how far apart we are... ducks fly together. You wanna know why this will work? Because we're a team, Charlie. It's you and me. Forever.

C: I love you, Britta

B: *Hugging him* I love you too, Charlie.

We hugging for a few minutes and watched the stars before Charlie walked me to the car. I climbed into the backseat and glanced at Charlie.

C: I'll meet you at the hotel before you leave tomorrow

B: *Nodding* 'night

*Time Skip: The next Morning*

I changed into my outfit for the ride home.

I was helping mom put some bags in the trunk of the car when Charlie skated up to us on his rollerblades

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I was helping mom put some bags in the trunk of the car when Charlie skated up to us on his rollerblades.

C: Morning, Ms. Rodriguez

Mom: Hey, Charlie!

C: ...Hey Britt...

B: *Sorta whispering* Hey...

Without saying anything else, he wrapped me into a hug. He held me by the waist and stroked my hair. 

B: I'm going to miss you, Char

C: I'll miss you too...but you know what?

B: Hmm?

C: I'll be down in Milwaukee for a hockey camp this summer


C: Way!

C: One more thing. I want you to take my green ducks jersey. So that way, everyone in your school and all your teammates will know that you are mine.

I took the jersey from him and hugged him and kissed him one last time. 

B: I'll see you soon, baby.

I climbed into the car and rolled the window down. My mom started to pull out and I blew him a kiss and uttered 3 final words.

B: I love you

I started to roll the window up but I heard him say one more thing before it shut all the way

C: I love you more

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