The Ducks

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Charlie POV

We all entered the arena and Bombay skated up to Mr. Tibbles.

Bombay: Tell me about my new kids

Tibbles: Luis Mendoza from our Miami Club.Incredible speed. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds blue line to line.

Bombay: Wow!

Luis started skating really fast around the rink, but the wall was coming up fast too.

Tibbles: One problem though. He has a little trouble stopping.

With that, Luis crashed into the sidewall. We all started chuckling a little bit. A girl skated over to Luis and helped him up. She had long brown hair, tied back in a low ponytail. The back of her jersey said, Rodriguez. She wasn't wearing her helmet, so I saw her sparkling, green eyes. She was beautiful.

I couldn't help but stare at her.

C: Woah

The ducks all started laughing and I could feel my face turn red.

Adam: Close your mouth, Conway. Before you start drooling. 

C: Shut up, Adam!

I lightly pushed him. The others were still cracking jokes, but I was too focused on that girl. Who was she? What position did she play? Is she really good? What team does she play for?

Tibbles: Next up, we have Dwayne Robertson from Austin, Texas. Best puck handler I have ever seen.

Bombay: You mean for his age...

Tibbles: No, I don't.

Dwayne started showing us his moves. I have to say that he was really good. He was bouncing the puck on his stick and moving the puck through his legs.

Tibbles: He does have  a tendency to show off though

Dwayne went back over to the group of new recruits. The brown-haired girl started saying something to Dwayne. He put his black cowboy hat on top of her head and then she side hugged him. I was wondering what that was about.

Adam: Hey Conway, you jealous?

C: What do you mean?

Adam: Looks like Dwayne and the new girl are pretty good friends already.

I looked over and saw them laughing together. Okay, I need to stop being paranoid. I don't even know her name yet. I continued watching her. I was trying to pay attention as Tibbles introduced a girl named Julie "The Cat" Gaffney and a guy named Ken Wu.

Tibbles: Next up, we have Britta Rodriguez from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She led her team to state last year. She is the most accurate shooter in the whole region. She can make a shot in the top corner of the goal from the middle of the rink.

I watched as Britta skated around the rink and over to the middle. She had 3 pucks lined up and she shot the first one into the top right corner. It had so much power and speed. She shot the second one into the top left corner. She shot the last one even harder than the 2 before that. It went smack into the middle of the net. It didn't stop there though. It blasted right through the netting and hit the boards behind the goal. 

I turned to Adam and whispered

C: I think I'm in love

A: I coulda told you that

C: Should I introduce myself?

A: Later. There is one more newbie still

We turned back and I saw Britta give Dwayne a high five. They continued whispering and talking to each other while Tibbles introduced our new enforcer, Dean Portman. He was pretty rough and he started hitting on Britta and Julie. Rude.

Everyone started arguing. Even me. I started arguing with Dwayne. I know what you're thinking.... I'm jealous of his friendship with Britta. Even while that is true, I think he is making a mock out of hokey. I mean who wears a cowboy hat and brings a lasso to hockey practice. 

Him and I were arguing for a while until Britta came over.

C: All I'm saying is that this isn't a rodeo, Cowboy. So lose the lasso already.

D: Hey there Pardner. I think ya need to cool it with th-

B: Hey. Just leave him alone. He hasn't done anything wrong. All he has done is be himself.

C: Uhhh...

Bombay blew his whistle and explained how we didn't come here to fight. We were here to play hockey and represent TEAM USA.

I zoned out. All I could think about was how I made a terrible first impression on Britta.

Way to go Spazway!

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