Adam is totally hot

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Britta POV

Bombay called for a scrimmage. One of the ducks named, Jesse, and Dwayne took the face-off. All I can say is...the new kids are really good. We whooped the butts of the ducks. They definitely need to practice before we head off to LA. One of the kids named Fulton hit a puck and it bounced off the goal post and hit Tibbles in the head. We got to meet Ms. Mckay after that. The team tutor. I know right? Lame.

After the scrimmage (We won 10-4) Bombay tied us all up with a rope. I was sandwiched between Luis and the duck's goalie. It was quite uncomfortable.

I felt someone's hand touch my butt. I whipped my head around and said "watch it" to the boy behind me. I wanted to be angry with him, but he was really cute. I tried not to smile though.

B: Hey. Watch those hands Buster

??: Sorry about that. I got Portman behind me. I guess it's good to have an aggressive enforcer, but he isn't helping me make a good impression on you...

B: *Starting to smile* It's cool! So, what's your name?

??: I'm Adam Banks.

B: Nice to meet you, Adam... *Turns around*

I started smiling. Adam was super cute!! At least someone here is nice besides Julie. Granted, I haven't met a lot of them yet. All I know is that this one boy was yelling at Dwayne because of how he is a little different. His southern accent, hat, and lasso. 

Bombay told us to try and skate together as one. We all ended up falling. I landed on top of someone. 

B: *Grumbling* Sorry 'bout that

Adam: No problem. It's probably just payback from earlier

B: *Giggling* Something like that

We finally got the hang of it after a while. Then Dwayne started trying to catch us all with his lasso. We finished off practice with him showing us how to country line dance.

I was in the locker room after practice. I got changed into this.

Julie came up to me with another girl with dark hair

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Julie came up to me with another girl with dark hair. 

J: Hey Britt, this is Connie

B: Hey Connie, nice to meet ya

C: Ok, having two girls on the team with me is going to be FABULOUS! I am guessing that we are going to be roomies in LA. I can't wait!

B: Me neither! It'll be like having sisters.

J: Ok. Tomorrow we leave for LA. We need to go and pack! I can't wait for tomorrow!

B: Me neither. See ya, Jules!. By Con!

C and J: Bye!!

I started to walk out the locker room door when Adam called my name.

A: Hey Britta

B: Yeah?

A: I'll see ya tomorrow, alright?

He winked after that.

B: You betcha *blushing*


Charlie POV

Britta walked out of the locker room.

C: Banks! What was that?

A: What do you mean?

C: Do you seriously like Britta?

A: *Rubbing the back of his neck* Well...I don't know. We don't really know each other yet. She is really cute...

C: I know! I literally told you that

A: Listen Char...I think the only fair thing is to let Britta choose who she wants to be with.

C: Fine. If that's how you want it.

A: But Charlie... let's not let this come between our friendship, okay?

C: *Tone softening* no problem, man

We "Bro Hugged" it out. I know that Britta will like me better than Adam!

Adam has a head start on me though.

I should probably introduce myself to Britta though. She already left. She is probably back at the hotel by now. Well, I guess I'll have to talk to her tomorrow. 

Maybe I can sit by her on the plane...

We all went over to get some lunch and Tibbles showed us a giant Wheaties box with our picture on it!

Dwayne: Hey ya'll, that's us!

Everyone: *Chuckling* Duh! Whadda ya know!

Britta was beaming at Dwayne. 

Next, we got our jerseys.

C: Coach. This is really nice, but it says Hendrix all over it.

Bombay: Yeah...they are our sponsors

C: Well can't we be USA ducks...or at least keep our own colors?

Bombay: It's business stuff, Charlie. Don't worry about it

I just looked down. This didn't feel right. 

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