A million times YES!!

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Julie POV



I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. I saw Caitlyn tiptoeing over to her bed.

J: *Whispering* Cait?!

C: Uhhh...hey Jules

J: Did you just get back??

C: Yeahhhh

J: *Smirking* Where were you? With Dwayne?

C: Also yes

J: Did you guys do it?!

C: NO! We just fell asleep together *Smiling*

J: Oh, haha!

C: Hey Jules, have you decided between Adam and Jake?

J: Yeah...I think I want to be with...

Britta: Guys! C'mon! *Bursting through the door* We gotta go say goodbye to Jake!

We all ran out the door and grabbed Charlie. Then we sprinted down the steps because, let's be real when you're in a rush...you don't got no time for elevators!

We all burst through the door and saw the USA track members filing out the door. 

J: Oh no!

C: They're leaving!

Caitlyn: Now what?


C: *Chuckling* That's my girl!

J: There he is!

Jake came back through the crowd and ran up to us.

Jake: You guys came! I thought that you forgot

B: *Hugging Jake* I'll see you soon. Maybe this summer!

J: Sounds great!

C: *Bro hugging* Take care man

J: I will. Take good care of Britta.

C: I will!

Caitlyn: Bye Jake! I know we didn't get to know each other very well, but I'll hang with you and Britta.

J: Awesome!

I stepped towards Jake next.

Julie: *Hugging Jake* Jake, I know that we didn't get to spend a lot of time together

J: You're right. Sorry that I didn't get to know you sooner

Julie: *Kissing him* What you gave me was amazing. I don't want to have to say goodbye forever...

J: Julie, will you be my -long-distance- girlfriend?

Julie: Yes! Of course!

J: Ummm...I have to go though.

Julie: Right! Ok, goodbye Jake. I'll try and see you soon. Call me tonight!

J: I will. *Kisses Julie again* Bye everyone!!

Britta POV

Jake walked out the door and Caitlyn and I started talking to Julie about her and her BOYFRIEND. It's so exciting to say that! I was about to say something when I felt my arm get tugged.

I yelped and turned to see Charlie with a playful smirk on his face.

B: Charlie!

C: I was lonely *Pouty face*

Falling for my Teammate ~ A Charlie Conway FanficWhere stories live. Discover now