Bitter Help

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Through the dark shadows of the woods, a pair of green eyes peered at the poor pink hedgehog and the menacing looking wolves.
He stepped out, as he was baring his teeth towards them, his sharp fangs glistening a bit. Snarling before he made his vicious roar.

Amy sat up as she watched him, her eyes slowly widening. Her heart beating against her chest that was fear and amazement.
The wolves on the other hand, a few had their ears back in fear. As others started to snarl and bark, trying to stand their ground. It felt as if time froze, as Amy laid in the snow staring up at the werehog. Until she had some kind of feeling, and whatever it was, it told her to get up. As the wolves were distracted by werehog. Amy bolted up, grabbing the tree branch that laid beside her. As Sonic was just about to pounce, he stops when he sees the pink hedgehog get up an swing.

The tree smacked against one of the wolves faces, hitting it hard enough that it stumbled back to the ground. Sonic stood there for a moment, inking for a moment.
The wolves turn to Amy, she held in to the tree branch as she had a determined face. She was breathing a bit hard, as she could see her breath in the old icy air.
As she was distracted,  one of the wolves started to trail behind her. As if it was trying to sneak up on her. As it jumps, Sonic snaps from his trance and rushes towards it.
Amy could feel the wind rush by her as she saw him grab the wolf and swung it back. Now side by side, Amy stares up at Sonic. Her eyes wide as she could see his fangs and claws out, roaring to the other wolves. Some running away as a few brave ones started to pounce on the werehog. Cawling, biting, scratching all over him.
Amy watched in horror as he was fighting. She stood there with the branch, trying to find any possible spots were she could hit a wolf. But he was moving around way to fast for her to process.
Sonic was able to push past all of them, shoving them off and throwing them off of him. Until one was able to bite him hard enough on his leg, he lets out a gasp of air, along with shrieking roar that caused him to go to the ground. As the wolf was about to pounce again, Amy swung her branch at it. Hitting it hard in the hard, the wolf whining as it started to run away.

Amy stood there for a moment, breathing heavily as she looks around. " I wonder...I wonder if Papa is okay..." she thought to herself as she was about to run off to see. She stops, when hearing another breath. She turns around to look at the now helpless werehog laying in the snow. She stared down at him, looking out to where the path was. She sighs as she walks back over to him.
Taking off her cloak and putting it on him. Looking over his now bleeding body up close saddens her a bit. 

Sonic grunts in pain. As he could feel the stinging insation all over his body, and his leg. As he laid there in the snow, he could hear Amy's footsteps. He snarls a bit.
" I's going to leave me here....just like..what I thou-" he stops when he could feel the cloak go over him. Lifting his head to see the sadden maiden. She moves her gaze to meet his, staring into one another's eyes. Amy then slowly moves " Come's time that I help you.." she says as she puts his arm around her. Lifting him up slowly.

Sonic slowly followed along with her, wincing slightly as he gets up. Following along with her foot prints as they walked in the bitter cold together.  " Just tell me when you get tired.." she says softly as they walk. Sonic nodded his head " Alright..." he says, wincing slightly as he was trying to hold in the pain as they walked. Sonic trailed along, but his mind started to wonder. Looking over to the pink hedgehog.

*" She really is helping me... but why?"*
He thought to himself, *" I thought she was going to run away... break a promise and leave me.... or...did something in her change to stay?"* He asks himself. All of this was happening way to fast for him ironically, the idea of a sudden change was easy to dodge or understand,  but with her it was like flipping a coin. He didn't know if it was going to land on heads or tails with her.

Amy was trying her hardest to keep him and herself up on the ground, taking a bit of deep breath as they walk. *"I can't believe I'm helping him..."* Amy thought as they trot through the thick heavy snow, even though she had rageful thoughts her face looked determined, as if her rage was fueling it. *"After yelling at me....and then threatening my father...I should've just lef...."* her mind went silent, the only thing that could be heard was water drop hitting into puddle, the soft sound making the tiniest echo in Amy's head.

She slowly moves her head to look over at this beast, he looked to be in pain while having a confused look. A face she never saw on him before, or as long as she has known him. He almost looked like a confused puppy on wither he can have a treat.
His ear twitches a bit when Sonic feels eyes on him, he turns his head to look at her for a brief moment before turning his head quickly from her " W-What? " He asks her, his familiar growl following behind his words.

Amy turned her head away, " N-Nothing. I was just about to ask if you needed to sit down or you were getting tired." She states, snapping back slightly.
Sonic grumbles a bit " You know... you should really be a bit nic-" he could feel her let go of him. As he falls face first into the snow, as his legs were still a bit weak from fighting off the wolves. Amy stood over him, his head slowly looking up at her as he starts to snarl his teeth to her.

Amy raises her hand to him, a finger pointing directly to his nose, " Oh no. I think you should be the one a bit nicer. I am helping you back to your castle!"
Sonic stares up at her, lifting up a bit from the snow. Before Amy could react, she could feel her dress being tugged on.
Amy could feel her whole body starting to be pulled down towards the ground, face to face with the beast. He huffs a bit in her face, smoke coming from his mouth from the cold air. " Yeah...? I just saved you from a pack of wolves. Before that! " his voice raising a bit. " You broke your promise!" He says as he stares into her jaded green eyes, that slightly twinkled along with the snow.

Her mouth parts slowly as he could see her look down, she knew she had no argument to win this. As Sonic was about to speak again, her voice chirps in " Your right.." she says gently, " You did do those things.." she says as he could hear her shuffle up and out of the snow. Holding her arm out for him to grab on, " Come on..." she says gently.
Sonic stared at her, he was waiting for some kind of snarky remark from her, something that would boil his blood. But what he was greeted with was something he didn't know was possible. He watched her get up, staring at her arm before lifting up.

The rest of the long bitter walk was silent, that the two could only hear the others heartbeat. Everything felt still and stiff, as if the world was balanced for just a second.

Meanwhile, Knuckles walked back an forth near the front entrance of the castle, the sound of ticking grew louder and louder that Siler piped in.
" Knuckles! Please calm down... the master will be ba-"

TIME??" He chimed loudly that the bell on him rung. His face was now as red as an apple and his temper was so high that if he came closer to Silver, his candle stick would possibly melt.

Silver takes a deep breath as he backed away from Knuckles " I know... I know that it's not a good time right now...but please Knuckles...Master Sonic will be back with Miss Am-" he then got cut off by another ding from Knuckles bell. Once looking at him, he could feel his flame being put out.

" You really have hope for this girl, don't you?" He asks as he moves closer to him. His eyebrows furrowed " Do you really think that she of all people walk through that door with master Sonic with their arms wrapped around with one another?!?" He asks, Silver goes to open his mouth before hearing the door open.

Amy pushed the large oak door open,  looking in at the two household items as her arm was wrapped tightly around Sonic's. The two had a very drained and exhausted look on both of their faces. " Help...please.." Amy says in a soft voice.

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